Chapter 15

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"First things first" Caleb says gathering the group, we both set up some seats around the table and put some paper and pens on the table.

"Wait. This is like school? On a Saturday?" Kiera asks.

"Sort of. But you all have to learn." Caleb says smirking at us.

"Yeah right." She replies, rolling her eyes she sits down and starts to fiddle with a pen in front of her. I patiently watch her movements, I can see she is delicate in every move she makes. She never used to be. She used to be nervous and frail looking.

"Cam? You okay?" Caleb asks looking a little worried.

"I'm fine. I'm just thinking." I say. I'm thinking about Kiera, how she was before. When I last met her, she had glasses, braces and pimples that had shown all across her face. Now there's nothing left of her now, not even the glasses. Maybe she got contacts and cleared up her act a bit, I wouldn't be surprised if she was the most popular girl in school these days.

I look to Andy, he looks like the strong sporty type. He now looks tired and weak, he probably can't cope with all this tense stuff. I can't either, I fainted. That's weak.

"So what you're saying is that we tell the truth. We could get caught for telling that" Henry says from one side of me.

"Yeah. But it works. Cam did it. I hacked into the Police footage. And saw what you did Cam. You were calm and didn't give off any hint that you were actually a part of the society."

"It's really nothing to be afraid of. It's really easy. I think" I say lifting my fingers to my chin.

"What if we crack?" Charlotte asks.

"Well then. I wish you luck for getting bail in jail" Caleb says laughing.

"Oh" Charlotte replies, her mouth stays in the 'o' position for about a second before she comes back to reality.

Caleb continues with the lesson and I just sit there thinking. Thinking about what has become of all of us, killers. That's what my brain is telling me, that I'm a killer.

"I think that's all you need to know! I'd better go get ready for my job I have tonight. Cam you coming?" Caleb concludes, I nod and follow him up the stairs and into his room. I gave him the spare room, I think it was Brandon's room previously.

"So my job is for a woman called Dianne Bathingthwate. She is like this female mob boss, she has a love for well you know what and she will be in her apartment when I hit. Okay. Then afterwards I dispose of the body, you don't do that do you?" I shake my head in reply.

"Okay. I'll teach you. There's always a clean up crew to clean up after us, right so I have to come in and pick the body up and then I drop it into the nearest bin. That's when the cleanup crew will pick up the body and head into the blood zone"

"Blood zone?"

"Where we killed the person." He responds "You got that?"

"Yeah. I think I do. So what do I do?" I ask.

"You. My friend. Are going to get rid of all the evidence on the body." I look down to my belt and find the little plastic box holding the special chemical the get rid of the evidence.

"Using the chemical. Yes. So you've used it?"

"I have. On my last one."

"What was their name? Do you remember?" He asks me.

"I do. Her name was Natalie Robins." I say.

"Women are always the funniest. They never expect it of course. I use my knife the most but I sometimes I use the darts cause' I feel sorry for the people." Caleb laughs, I'm not sure weather he enjoys doing this job or not but he seems to like making jokes out of it.

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