Chapter 4

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We were taken back to our 'quarters' or cells, Emma, Henry, Brandon, Charlotte, Andrew and I were taken different directions to each other probably having nerves of not being together. Yes we only just met but it seems we have all been united as a family. A family that has got only each other, mostly acting as brothers and sisters to each other.

I stepped into the room wondering if it was the room I was in before and it was not the one with the class roof but still the same room as before but with a bed, a wardrobe and a small sink. This room had colour though, it had my bright bed covers from home on the bed. It reminds me of my parents... and that they are now gone... and that I have no where to go if I do ever escape. Maybe to my home town? Wait. I have more than one home town and they'd go looking for me there right?

"Well. Might as well sleep" I say to caleb.

"You might want to get changed too, you stink. Showers in through that door" Caleb says. I look over to where hes looking and see a random door handle in the middle of a wall, oh yes, Secret ish door. Like before but you know with a door handle.

I also just noticed that I was still in my school uniform, and like caleb had said. It was filthy and I stunk like a skunk, well not entirely like a skunk.

I turn to look in the wardrobe and find Toby is watching me, I look at him and shake my head. I go back to looking in the wardrobe which is full of black clothing, geez thats a lot of black I think to myself. So they are like assassins? They love black. Like vampires I suppose but not vampires at all... What am I thinking? Vampires?! Vampires dont even exist and Im comparing these people with vampires. How did I get the thought of vampires in my head?

Tobys left the room and I hardly noticed he had left, hes like a ghost. Plus he's a bit suspicious too but I'm not entirely sure why or how, it's just this gut feeling I have.


I wake up feeling so tired, I haven't slept since when I first woke up here. It's been hard with my parents being dead, the others have been helping me get through it. Not Kiera though, she's been the worst person in this place ever. She doesn't want to be included into our little group even though she has to, when I arrive she runs away with her guard. Its like she hates the group especially me. I cant believe it, I bet shes just doing this to annoy me or even get me to not like her.

When I arrive at the breakfast table everyone seems a little twitchy, I look on the table and I find a violin case. I gasp and grab it, everyone looks at me with scared eyes.

"Whats wrong everyone?" I ask warily.

"Oh uh, is that yours?" Henry asks me. I nod and slowly sit down looking closely at the case, this time Kiera doesnt get up and leave but she also seems twitchy.

"Whats wrong with it?" I ask them.

"Oh, its not the case. Its just... We are being sent out today... Our first job you see... Alone, not together, how must we know that we will actually kill a person today." Emma says almost crying.

"Atleast we will be together at the ends of the days. We can cry on each others shoulders" Charlotte says to Emma holding her hand "We're all family now".

"Family my ass" Kiera buts in.

Andy frowns at Kiera, "You can leave us if you dont want to stay with us because we wont take that bullcrap here".

"Deal with it. You're stuck with me." She says smirking.

"Oh god. No, can she just not come out with us... I mean shes good at fighting as we have seen in the training sessions but you know she is a very grumpy person..." Emma concludes.

"You know Im right here?" She asks frowning.

"Just shut up Kiera" Brandon says leaning in closer to the group.

Emma looks at me smiling "Play for us... please Cam".

"Ok then." I say opening the violin case seeing the violin not damaged at all. I take out my music which i put in the front of the case, and choose a good song. David Guetta - Dangerous. I found this song the best ive ever played before, I like the way the music flows within me, how it makes me go back to the time when I was free from all these stupid things that have happened to me....

Once I finish I look to find that the whole food court is looking at me with bright faces, except two. The buff guy called Xander and of course Kiera. Everyone starts clappings, cheering and smiling. The most Ive seen this lot do in a while, maybe Emma and I were the first musicians in this whole complex and plus they probably are the dullest people who dont actually listen to music.

I look back to our group and find that they are actually clapping and laughing, it all of a sudden stops and they look down at the table. It feels like theres something behind me... I turn to see that Xander is behind me.

"What" I say.

"Whose violin is that?" He asks angrily.

"Why should I tell you?" I ask frowning.

"Whose is it?!" He says picking me up but my collar.

"Mine. My music teacher gave it to me." I say spitting in his face. He drops me and wanders away angrily, holding his hands in fists.

"Hey dont worry about him" Caleb says "He used to play a violin like that when he was a kid. He had to stop cause of this job and all".

"Will I have to stop?" I ask Caleb.

"Not until you get into the harder stuff, and that wont be for a while" Caleb says smiling going back to talking to his friends on another table.

I look back to Xander who is staring in my direction, I wouldnt dream of giving up my violin. It the only thing I have left of freedom and my parents, and my friends. I start to think about Maria... What is she doing? Is she worried about me? I guess Ill have to find out... soon...

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