Chapter 11

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All I remember is that I blacked out, I couldn't stand the thought of Emma and Brandon being dead. I think it just got to me a bit. I mean it got to me a lot, seeing a friend being killed right in front of me. It was kind of like a night mare that I could never wake up from. All I wanted was to wake up and go home to be with my family but I knew it was all real. Everything.

"Cam!" A distant voice calls.

"Cam!" There it goes again. I slightly open my eyes and see someone who is really blury sitting in front of me.

I uncomfortably roll over on the hard wooden floor feeling around for my knife, why is that I need it everywhere I go these days? It reminds me of home. Doesn't it?

"Here you go Cam" A large male voice says softly, a sound goes against the floor and my searching hand finds my knife. My vision finally returns and I see Charlotte staring worriedly and Zander frowning at me.

"Just a little blood brother" He says chuckling. I stand up straight away almost falling over, I regain my balance and walk to my bedroom.

"Charlotte!" I yell gritting my teeth. I hear her scurrying up the stairs and just as she starts to open the door I stop her. "Go get my violin".

I hear her gasp and she runs to her own bedroom and hurries back. She comes in and hands me the violin, I then walk straight past her and go to the attic stairs. I look back and find Andy, Henry, Charlotte and Zander standing and staring at me. I sigh and walk up the stairs, looking around I see a combo lock chest the right size to fit my violin.

I open it and place my violin inside, I set the combo and shut the lid.

"Goodbye. I had a great time" I say to myself, standing up I head back down the stairs and see that only Charlotte and Zander are still standing there.

"Cam? Where is your violin?" She asks looking shocked.

"None of your business. Now. I need another task." I say looking directly at Zander. He nods and goes into my room with me following.

"Cam. That violin is your life. You can't just throw it away." Charlotte says before I go into my room.

"Charlotte. Please. Leave me alone." I say harshly before shutting the door to my bedroom.

"Why the change of heart?" Zander asks.

"There is no change of heart brother. None. Lets get on with this. We get released from this life one day but at the moment I have to live with it." I say without any such emotion or kindness.

"Brother" Zander lets this word play on his tongue as though he has never really said it before.

"You called me that before. Don't you remember?" I say starting to get angry.

"Woah. Calm down Cam" Zander says chuckling.

"Seriously. Give me the next task!" I say starting to yell at Zander. Whats happening to me? What am I doing? Am I being an idiot? Of course I am. Im always an idiot these days, holding onto things that always seem to become out of my reach or so I can't see them anymore. Just like Emma and Brandon, I can't see them anymore. I want to see them again.

"Okay next task is of a woman named Natalie Robins. She hasn't done much but she has done enough to bring murder into fashion, she also got bail and wasn't sent to jail." Zander says looking down at his phone.

"Right. Ill get on it." I say directing Zander out the door.

"Wait one moment. I must warn you. She has a mound of goons on her twenty four seven."

"I can deal with that. Im not stupid you know. I can deal with anything even a woman." I say forcing Zander out the door, I guess this one is going to be as easy as my last one. I recon much easier. I have witnessed and committed murder, it has hardened me up.

I get onto my laptop and search up 'Natalie Robins' multiple websites and pictures popup including wikipedia, a fan site, the news etc. I click on the fan site and see where she lives, where she hangs around and where she works.

I look at my watch and see that she would be hanging around Wolfs Bar and Restaurant, what a place that would be. Filled with rich people and not many muggy guys. Since I am now 18 years old I can go inside and scout her out, I will get her outside and lead her into an allyway. Thats when I strike.

A few minutes later Im going to Wolfs Bar and Restaurant, walking there. I found out it wasn't too far from the house, I suppose she doesn't live that far away from us at all.

A bouncer steps in front of the door way and I show him my school ID which says Im 18 and am allowed into the bar. He gives me a small nod and steps aside letting me into the bar, I thought he might have turned me down but oh well. He let me in. I wouldn't care.

Once I step into the Bar some people give me a strange look but turn back around to their conversations.

"Just leave me alone. Is there a definition of alone around here!" A woman yells "Geez all I want is to lay someone not be all affectionate."

I raise one eye and sit close to the woman who I recognise as Natalie Robins, a few goons leave her alone and go back to playing their game of poker or cards or whatever. I'm not paying much attention to them.

"Hey boy." I look around and see no one calling my name, as soon as I turn to Natalie, Her eyes, framed by long lashes, were a bright, amber and seemed to brighten the world. A straight nose, full lips - she seemed the picture of perfection. Her hair seems silky too.

She says "Yes you."

"Hello" I say trying not to arouse suspicion.

"How old are you? Sixteen? Fifteen?" She asks.

"Eight-teen." I say looking to the bar man "One shot please" The bar man nods and walks away getting my drink.

"Bad day huh?" Natalie says.

"Yup." I say receiving the drink

"ID please." The bar man asks, I take it out and he just nods and wanders away.

I drink the shot all in one go and feel the fuzzy feeling a shot going down my throat. My first shot ever. Geez that felt good.

"Tell me about it." She says rolling her eyes. "Whats your name boy?"

"Dylan" I lie.

"Nice to meet you Dylan. Wanna go somewhere else? You know to you know?" She says winking at me, I think she has had too many drinks. That might be easier for her.

"Sure. But what about them?" I say nodding to the table of goons playing poker or cards.

"Oh we'll sneak out the back" She says winking at me again.

We both get up and head for the back of the room where the bathrooms and an extra door are located. We leave through this door and come into an ally way, this is where it will happen. I receive a buzz on my phone, I quickly look at it and its from Charlotte. "Cameras were down from the start. Your good to go."

"Lets get this party on" She says jumping on me kissing me like a desperate woman. I guess she is. I start to kiss back giving in I lay on top of her letting sweat drip from my brow and onto her shirt. Before this gets any further I start to retrieve my knife from my waist band and then I strike. Plunging the knife into her heart when she doesn't expect it.

I lastly stick some special chemical into her mouth which gets rid of all my DNA that the police could get from her body including from her skins and underneath her nails. It will rot her body twice as quick though so the police would think that the murder was committed weeks ago.

She gasps and her body goes limp, I get out a cloth and rub my knife getting rid of the blood. I get off Natalie and wander back into the Bar going into the bathrooms, I continue to wipe my knife and then stash it back into my hidden waist band. I check myself and see none of her blood on me, I sigh and walk out of the bathroom and sit back where I was sitting before and order another shot.

I get my phone out and text Charlotte, saying "Finished". She doesn't reply, I think the first time she does this she will be in pure and utter shock for killing someone.

This time around. I feel no guilt for the person I just murdered, not even a sliver of guilt. I don't show any specific expression on my face either, It helps. The murder of Emma in front of me helped. Emma helped me.

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