Chapter 12

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Today I'm walking to school alone, on this cold rainy day with big grey clouds above my head. You may ask why I'm walking alone in this weather. It's because I don't want to have to deal with the loss of anyone of my team. Including Charlotte.

Since Emma was murdered in front of everyone on our team we seem to be all out there. Not wanting to be found I suppose, Andy is not being his usually bubbly self and Henry is locked up in his room nowadays.

All I can think about is why did they want to run away? They had the chance to live but they didn't take it did they. Why?

"You know it's not your fault Cam" I hear Andy say from behind me.

"Didn't you hear me. I wanted to be left alone today. I want to be normal today." I say without looking back at him. Now I'm getting beaten up for this, not by my team but by myself.

"We will never be normal. Can't you see that?! We can't go to college like normal kids when we finish school we can't go to university either!" I wonder what's going through Andy's now, does he want to run too?

"We will be normal one day..." I say stopping at the wet school gates.

"When!? It's not like we have a family anymore! We can't live like this Cam!" Andy says starting to tear up, his voice cracks and that's when I know I need to exit from this conversation to avoid conflict.

That's when I see Marcus, the schools famous football player standing at the front doors of the school scanning everyone that passes. I can't believe that he and I used to be friends, that first year here in the city and this school. He took me in, I soon recognised him as a bully and left his famous group.

He hated me for that. I was the person who would always get in trouble in Marcus' place. I never dobbed him in, I should have. Now I'm strong enough to fight him and his bully idiot friends.

"Marcus isn't worth it you know" I hear someone say, I look around and see Maria. Maria. I want to make it up to her so bad.

"I know. But he seems like it's worth beating that bully up" I say clutching my fists.

"That will make you just as bad as him, you know" Maria points out. Good point, but I guess I've murdered two people now so it doesn't change anything.

"Hey about at the train station-" I start.

"Never mind about that. Let's just go to maths" Maria cuts in, I guess she can forgive and forget. Am I right?

In the corner of my eye I see Andy sticking one eyebrow up and looking suspiciously at me. I hope he doesn't know Maria was at the train station that night and she saw me there. Or maybe he thinks I have a thing with her, or that I'm cheating on Charlotte. Maria and Charlotte are just two friends and nothing special, I hope he understands that.

Maria and I slowly walk to our maths classroom without saying a word, I wonder if she thinks that I murdered that man? Or if she knows about Natalie?

"Cam. You seem like you have changed a bit. I mean you seem more enclosed about yourself. You know what I mean?" Maria asks interrupting my thoughts.

"I know. Its just whats been going on at home. I have just been dealing with a lot of crap" I say half lying, I want to  tell her what I have been through these last couple of weeks. I want her to understand that it is hard being an assassin and that it is going to affect my life. It already had. I thought I would never see someone murdered in front of me but I did. Didn't I?

I thought that I would never see my parents dead anytime soon, if they were I thought I would have had a funeral for them both. But now in my world they are counted as traitors, I still count them as my parents. The ones who were kind and loving, the ones who raised me and the ones who I of all people loved.

"Right. I know what you mean. My parents were having trouble yesterday so that's why I wasn't here yesterday" Maria says sighing. I bet her problems aren't as bad as mine, like seriously I murdered two people.

We come up to the classroom door and the bell rings just as we walk into the room, the teacher motions both of us to sit down quickly. I almost don't want to sit down and do maths, it seems a bit boring. I have to admit that killing Natalie was actually fun. I know I should not be saying that but I am. This job is growing on me.

"Mr Baxter? Please answer the question" The teacher yells from the front of the room knocking me awake from my day dream. I look to the board and quickly work out the answer to the question.

"Quadrant two" I answer.

"Correct. Pay attention next time please" He nods and then turns back to the board.

"Cam. Are you okay?" Maria asks from beside me.

"I'm fine. I'm just thinking." I reply.

"About what?" She says knocking my elbow.

"Oh. Nothing you need to be worried about." I say looking down at my work book.

"Sure sure" She says smirking.

Suddenly all the words and numbers on my page jumble themselves up, I can't read them at all. They all seem to be unreadable and impossible, what is happening? What is happening to this paper?

My eyes widen as the numbers and letters start to form words, the numbers turn into letters and it reads "Killer.". The page is filled with that one word. Killer. Maybe its right. I am a killer. Aren't I? Why are these words reminding me that I am a killer. I actually admit that I am a killer. So why am I being reminded?

"Because you are a killer" A voice says inside my head. The voice, it sounds familiar. Mum.

I swear I had to mum. It isn't my fault. Stop reminding me!

"You deserve to die! You're not the boy we raised you to be! Get yourself killed!" I gasp and feel a choking sensation in my throat, it feels like she is killing me... Maybe she is killing me... I give in to the sensation and finally my air ways are cut off and I feel like I'm in darkness. Darkness.

I'm dead. She killed me.

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