Part 1 | Welcome To Asgard

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"Welcome to Asgard ma'am."

Covered a dark green cloak, you made your way into the beautiful realm of the Gods.

Upon entry, the castle guards pointed you in the direction of your room. It was like a small apartment; bedroom, bathroom, lounge and a balcony overlooking the city, all furnished in golden hues.

A letter was placed upon the table.

"Dear Y/n L/n,
We welcome you into our beautiful home.
The Battle of Protectors begins tomorrow at 10am after an introductory breakfast in the dining hall. This room shall be your home for the duration of your stay. Should you succeed in becoming a protector or courting one of the young princes, you will no longer be in need of it.
Please ensure you are fully prepared by 9am tomorrow in the dining hall.


The AllFather"


Author's Note:

Hey everyone, sorry this is so short, I just wanted to explain a little bit before the story really takes off.

I hope you enjoy!

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