Part 8 | Special

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"Quiet down everyone!"

The dining hall suddenly went silent in anticipation.

"Thank you. I am here to announce the results of the second round." The instructor looked around at the nervous faces.

"Firstly, we would like to give out this rounds special mentions; we always call out those who have done exceptionally well. Please stand if you hear your name called. First up: Madeela Salvardottir." Madeela stood up shyly, smiling around nervously. There was loud round of applause and cheers for her.

"Second up: Y/n l/n." You stood up across from Madeela and she whispered "Good job!" You grinned. You saw Loki looking at you, his signature smirk on his face, with Frigga beside him, smiling happily. Eventually the clapping died down. You saw Saala scowling at you, you flipped her off. You looked back up to see Loki and Frigga trying to conceal their laughter. You grinned at them.

"And lastly, Sigfus Baneson." A tall man stood up across the room and looked around proudly. You three sat down and looked up at the lady expectantly.

After the applause had ended, the instructor continued. "Sadly, we have to let two people go." After she had announced them, you were sad to hear that one of the wasn't Saala. "They must have pretty shit to have been worse than you" said Madeela. Saala scowled again.

"The third task will commence in three days."


After lunch, you were walking along with Madeela when Saala came up beside you.

"You must think you're so special don't you?" she snarled. Madeela rolled her eyes.

However, you turned to her and said brightly "I do often think that, but for what reason this time?" She huffed and walked off. Sigfus sidled up to take her place. He grinned down at the two of you. "Its nice to meet some other sorcerers" he said, laughing when you bowed. You three of you continued on, chatting. Along the way, you came across Sif and Vidar sparring outside. You excused yourself and went to join them.

"Hey Sorceress" said Sif, stabbing Vidar in the side with her sword. He groaned and flopped to the ground in defeat. She blew her hair out of her face and grinned at you. You looked down at Vidar.

"Is there anything you can do mop head?"

He threw a pebble at you.


"Hey Dee!" you sung out, flopping down beside her in the garden. She laughed and gave you a muffin from the basket she had. You thanked and turned to Sigfus, greeting him as well. "What, no greeting for me?" said Saala, rolling her eyes. "Hey bitch" you said through a mouthful of muffin. She scoffed and walked off.

"Whatcha doin?" You asked them, seeing piles of books stacked around them. "Studying for the literacy round, whenever that shows up" Madeela answered.

"Are you excited for round three tomorrow?"

"No' "Nope"

"Why not?!" you exclaimed.

"Cause I heard its meant to be horse-riding" said Sigfus, flicking through a book on Asgardian architecture.


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