Part 22 | Mother

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Sitting on the floor, you turn the page of your book, leaning against your bed. A quiet knock on the door made up look up.

"Come in" you called, standing up to meet them.

Frigga walked in, closing the door softly behind her. "Good morning my dear, how are you after yesterday?"

You smiled at her. "I'm doing well, my cuts have healed up now. How come you're here so early?"

She sat down on one of the couches in the lounge, indicating for you join her.

"I wanted to ask about your family" she began after you had sat across from her.

"Sure, what would you like to know?" You ask, conjuring two cups of tea and floating one to her. She thanked you and took a sip.

"You were born in Alfheim, corrrect?" A nod. "And how old are you?"

"To my knowledge, I am around 600 years old."

Her eyes widened in surprise. "Do you not know your exact age?"

You shook your head. "I don't know my birthday, we never really celebrated. At the end of every year I change my age. I think I am 624 currently."

"How old were you when you're Mother passed?"

"Around 200."

"And what was her name."

"Eira l/n."

Frigga leaned forward excitedly.

"My dear, I have reason to believe your Mother is still alive."


You were currently sitting in the library with Loki and Frigga.


"I know it's a lot to take in dear."

Frigga had just told you that your Mother was still alive. If she was corrrect, she believes that she may currently be in Aflheim right now.

"But why would she lie to me?" You ask, a lump forming in your throat. Your own Mother.

Loki gave your hand a little squeeze.

"I'm not sure my dear, but I will find out. As soon as the competition is over I will come with you to Alfheim to find out" Frigga said, giving you a hug.

"If you are only 600, how do you know how to fight so well? It would normally take at least twice your lifetime of training to be up to that level" said Loki.

"I'm not sure, I've been training with my Father around 100 years" you say, noting the look shared between the Mother and her Son. "What?"

"Nothing my dear, do not worry yourself, we will figure this all out. Until then, you must prepare for Round 8" she said kindly.

You nodded and stood up, pulling Loki up with you.

"Thank you" you said quietly. She nodded, and you went on your way.


Sitting in the dining hall, you chatted with Sif and Madeela.

"So, how's it going with the Prince?" Madeela asked, making you blush.

You all looked up at the dining table to see him grinning at Thor who was laughing. Frigga sat in between them, shaking her head.

"He does have a cute smile" said Sif dreamily.

You snapped your head to her, glaring. Seeing your expression, she started laughing.

"Oh n/n don't worry I was talking about Thor" she said. "Sorry" you say with a smile.

"Now answer the question."

"We're just friends Sif" you say, smiling as she rolled her eyes.


"Really Loki??"

"Ok ok I know your lying."

"Liar" said Madeela.

"What?" You ask, panicking slightly.

"You clearly have a crush on him" she says, looking confused as you sigh with relief.

"Ok maybe a little bit."

"Thanks Princess."


The Battle Of Protectors | Loki x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now