Part 26 | The Truth

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"Are you ready darling?"

You looked up at Loki to see him smiling excitedly. Thor and Sif were standing beside you, Thor with his arm around Sif.

You nodded. "Who are you and Thor picking?" You asked hopefully.

"Cant tell you that Princess, you'll just have to find out" he answered with a smirk. You just sighed and leant against him as he wrapped an arm around your waist.

"All competitors ready!" Odin boomed as they gathered formally in front of the podium were you standing with the Royals.

"Today, we are gathered here for the final stage of the Battle of Protectors!" Odin began. There were cheers and a round of applause.

"As you are all aware" he continued, "My two sons have chosen their suitors. Now, it is time to choose their protectors."

"As if we need protecting" Loki muttered. "We've been trained since we were children."

Odin lead the group in the vows to the Throne.

"Prince Thor has chosen... Vidar."

Everyone clapped, you and Sif smiling widely as he walked up to the stage. He knelt in front of Thor, repeating the vow made earlier. The tattoo of his loyalty slowly bloomed on his wrist, the design showing a small hammer. The tattoo would grow more detailed with each year of service to the Throne. 

"You may rise" Odin boomed. Vidar stood on Thor's right, smiling at you and Sif.

"Prince Loki has chosen..."

"Y/n L/n."

There was clapping as you looked up at Loki, confused. "You said you wanted to protect the Throne, now you can" he said, smiling at you.

You knelt in front of him, a hand held over you pounding heart.

This wasn't the plan.

You said the vow from earlier, your voice shaking.

No no no no no no.

You could feel the tattoo slowly appearing, marking the skin of your left wrist.

"You may rise."

You stood back up beside Loki, holding your wrist behind your back. He kissed your temple as Odin ended the ceremony to applause.

Everyone slowly filed out, some looking disappointed. Thor and Sif were talking happily to Vidar as Odin approached you.

"You" he spat. "How dare you."

You stood exactly where you were, staring at him defiantly.

"Odin" Frigga murmured, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"No." He pushed her off, striding forwards until he was directly in front of you. He placed his spear on your throat, pushing in into the skin enough to cause bleeding.

"What the Hel!" Loki snarled, shoving him away ad standing in front of you protectively. "Get away from her."

"Your little lover here is a liar!" Odin yelled, grabbing your wrist. "She hasn't been entirely honest with you, has she?"

Odin grabbed your wrist and pulled it up, showing the fresh tattoo to the others.

"I said, get away from her" Loki snapped, pushing Odin away and pulling you backwards. Thor, Vidar and Sif all stepped in front of you, glaring at the King.

"Father, why are you doing this?" Thor asked firmly.


There were gasps as everyone turned to you.

"Surprise" you muttered sarcastically, rubbing your wrist. Loki pursed his lips, trying and failing not to grin.

"Um, Y/n? Can you, uh, explain?" Vidar questioned, shooting you a stunned look. You sighed and moved out from behind the others, standing beside Loki.

"I was Loki's Valkyrie" you admitted, looking at the floor. "I was assigned to him when we were children. I served him up until the age of five hundred when I was threatened by Odin" you continued, pausing to glare at him. Loki wrapped an arm around your waist, pulling you close.

"He told me that his seer had foreseen the future between us, ending in love. As I am not of Royal Heritage, he banished me from the Kingdom. I was held captive by my Mother until a few months ago when I heard of the competition. Knowing it was my only chance, I managed to escape. I am actually 1,019 years old" you finished.

"How was your Mother able to hold a Valkyrie captive?" Sif asked, looking at you sadly.

"She was a Valkyrie trainer, she worked for the academy."

"Was?" Thor questioned. You nodded, not explaining further.

"I told you never to come back" Odin hissed.

"Well I didn't listen" you retorted, flipping him off and walking out the hall, Loki following after you.

"I'm sorry" you muttered, kicking the floor underneath you.

"Don't be my darling" Loki whispered, pulling you into his arms. "I never thought I'd see you again" he said quietly, burying his face into your hair.

"Nor did I. Do you know how hard it was to pretend not to know you" you answered, grinning. "I had to use so much of my magic to hide all my memories from you."

"You did extremely well, I didn't see anything."

"You can now."

You removed the mental barrier, letting all the memories flow into your mind. Loki closed his eyes as he watched your mental run through, smiling slightly.

"I missed you so much" he whispered, putting a hand under your chin and tilting your face up to his. Your breathing quickened slightly as he leaned forward, searching your eyes for any hesitation. Fnding none, he closed the tiny gap between the two of you, pressing his cool lips to yours.

You wrapped your arms around his neck as he gently placed his hands on your hips, kissing you. You both broke away, him chuckling quietly.

"What's so funny?" you asked breathlessly, smiling.

"I've wanted to do that since round five" he answered, kissing you again.

"You waited far too long."

He chuckled again, laying his head on top of yours as you buried your face into his chest.

Little did either of you know, Odin and Frigga were standing not far away, looking at the two of you. Frigga was beaming and Odin sighing.

"Odin, don't you dare send her away again" The Queen murmured to him. "They both deserve to be happy."



The King sighed heftily before nodding slowly. Frigga placed a kiss on his cheek before disappearing in a shimmer of green.

"Now, let me see this tattoo" Loki said, taking your hand ad lifting it up to show your wrist.

The detailed markings from your previous years of service to the Throne were there, twisting in a complicated pattern around an image of Loki's helmet. He kissed it gently, before wrapping his arms around you again.

"I love you" he whispered in your ear.

"I love you too Lokes."

The Battle Of Protectors | Loki x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now