Part 17 | Sorcery

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"Hello Princess."

You looked up from your book to see Loki grinning at you. Giving him the finger, you buried your nose back into the novel. You didn't see him until he was right in front of you.


"It is not polite to ignore a Prince Lady y/n."

"Can I have my book back?"


You huffed and rolled your eyes. "Where's your Mother?"

"Right here dear."

You got up off the couch only for Loki to 'accidentally' bump you back onto it. Before you could fall however, you grabbed his arm, pulling him down with you. You both landed on the floor, laughing.

Frigga rolled her eyes. "Children" she muttered, bemused.

"I am not a child!" you both said at the same time, causing the laughing fit to start again.

After you had finally recovered, Loki stood up and offered you his hand. You took it, standing up and dusting off your clothes.

"Now, let us begin."


"Concentrate on feeling your magic connect."

Frigga had you and Loki holding hands, arms straight in front of you.

She sighed happily. "I am a matchmaker."

Snapping your eyes open, you looked over at her. "I thought you said this was complicated magic?"

She snickered. "It is, but it only works if the two attempting it trust each other. You see, as you can probably feel, right now it is only a weak connection. However, as your bond grows, so does the magic, resulting in a mind link between the couple."

By this point your face was bright red and Loki's cheeks were pink.

"However, your bond is strong enough to mind link each other now, but only because you are touching each other. Eventually you will not need contact, however that takes time. Try."

You looked over at the Prince and he shrugged.

Closing your eyes, you stood there, not sure what to do.

"Hey Princess" (From now on all mind linking with have that font)

You gasped and opened your eyes to see Loki smiling at you. A real, not teasing, kind smile. He chuckled at your reaction. "You try" he encouraged.

Closing your eyes again, you called out "Hello? Can you hear me?"

"I can hear you Princess."

"I can hear you laugh!"

"And I can hear how amazed you are."

"This is so cool!"

It went on like that for a while, you amazed by how it worked, Loki watching your reaction. He'd used a mind link with his Mother before, but he found your amazement cute.

Little did either of you know, Frigga was listening, her smile growing wider with every word.

The Battle Of Protectors | Loki x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now