Part 24 | Burns

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The results for the last round had come in, and Madeela had been eliminated. Naturally you and Sif were upset, but she promised to visit you guys once she joins the Royal Guard.

You were currently wandering towards the sparring pit where you were going to meet Sif and Vidar.

"Hello dear." You looked up to see Frigga walking out of one of the doors in the hall.

"Hello Frigga, thank you for checking up on me last night" you said. She looked confused.

"I didn't see you last night sweetheart" she said, placing a hand on your forehead.

"If you didn't- oh."

"He's in the library" she said with a smile.

"Thank you Frigga!" you called as you sprinted down the hall.

"Loki Odinson!" you said, running into the library.

"Hello darling" he said, looking up from his book with a smile. You skidded to a stop in front of him, panting.

"Why- did- was that- last night-" you puffed, out of breath. He grinned and grabbed your waist, pulling you down beside him.

"What was that princess? I couldn't quite understand" he said, his grin growing wider by the second. You leant your head on his shoulder.

"That was you outside my room last night, wasn't it?"

"Maybe" he said, kissing the top of your head.

"Loki" you said, trying to sound serious.

"Yes princess?"

"Why did you come last night?"

"Am I not allowed to see my princess?" he said cheekily.

"Well yes, but why else?"

He sighed. "I just wanted to check that you're okay with this" he said, looking over at you.

"Yes, Loki, I'm excited to announce it" you replied, hugging him.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes peasant" you replied, poking your tongue out at him.


"Welcome to Round 9!"

You stood there, stunned.

The remaining nine competitors were currently standing in front of a massive arena where a huge dragon was chained.

"Your task today is extremely dangerous. You will have to have to approach the dragon and attempt to ride it" the instructor said. Thor looked excited, Frigga worried and Loki impassive. You knew that really he was worried.

"Do we have to fly it?" a boy asked. The instructor shook her head.

"No flying, just get up there and hold the reins" she answered.

The instructor walked slowly into the pit. She then bowed her head in front the dragon as she talked to the contestants.

"You must bow to him. That's as far as we can get you. If he rejects you, run. If he accepts you, you must figure it out from there" she said, backing out again to stand beside you all.

"Have fun" she said with a grin.


"Next up, Y/n l/n!"

You stood up slowly and made your way towards the pit. Sif and Vidar said good luck to you and you gave them a nervous smile. Vidar had made it though, but only just. He was nursing a large burn on his arm but other than that he was fine.

The instructor opened the gate and you were in.

You walked right up in front of it and bowed your head low, your hands behind your back and waited.

There was tense silence.

Then the dragon blew a burst of fire at you. You swore and rolled out the way.

"Don't worry dear that's quite normal, keep going" the instructor called out. The dragon blew another stream of fire at you. "Okay maybe come out now" she yelled as you ran.

"Y/n if you die on me I'm going to kill you!" Sif yelled out.

"Shut up Sif I'm concentrating" you answered as ducked under the dragons leg.

You grabbed onto the rough scales and pulled yourself up, climbing up the side of its leg.

"Y/n get down!" Vidar yelled as it shook its leg around, you holding on for dear life.

"Shut up mop head!" you yelled, slipping. You were only holding on by one hand.

"Careful" Loki called out, looking terrified.

"Always am" you said. Loki rolled his eyes.

You pulled yourself back up and climbed up so that you were level with the dragons eyes.

"Cut it out" you told it and it started shaking it head around.

"Worth a shot " you mumbled before getting hit by something huge.

You held on as tight as possible to see that the dragon had whipped its tail around and thrown you off its face. You were now hanging three stories in the air.

"Y/n!" Sif screamed as you pulled yourself up to stand on the top of its tail.

"Not now Sif!" you yelled as you ran down its moving tail.

"Fuck!" you said as you felt flames on your leg.

"How do I get myself into this shit" you muttered as you threw yourself off, landing on its back. You looked down to see your pants on fire. You swore quietly and ripped a large piece out of your shirt, beating the flames out with the material. "That's gonna hurt" you said as you spun around and ran up the back of its neck and held onto the reins tied there.

"Got you" you said triumphantly before the dragon took off into the sky. You screamed and wrapped your wrists in the leather to stop you from falling off.

The dragon flew high over the castle. You could hear the others screaming at you but you couldn't focus on that right now. Taking a deep breath, you pulled back hard on the reins, attempting to turn the creature right. The dragon followed your lead as you turned it around again, landing back in the arena.

You jumped off and ran across the sand as the angered dragon crashed after you. It blew a stream of fire at you, the flames licking at your shirt.

When you were a hands width away from the fence you crouched down as low as you could go, almost lying on the ground as you skidded under the bars. You rolled to a stop, panting, as the others ran over to you.

"Are you alright?" the instructor asked as you sat up slowly.

"I'm never doing that shit again" you groaned.

They chuckled as the Royals came over to you.

"Are you hurt dear?" Frigga asked.

You laughed, ripping your pants leg off mid thigh to inspect the burns.

"Oh" she said quietly.

"I'll be fine" you said, checking the burn on your waist.

"I'm so sorry Princess."

"Loki don't be silly, its not your fault."

"But you're hurt."

"I'm fine Lokes."

You looked up to see him smiling slightly.

"I like that much more than peasant."

"Well I'm still using both."

He rolled his eyes.

The Battle Of Protectors | Loki x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now