Part 20 | Liar

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"Keep a lookout for them under the bushes; they're tricky little bastards and won't give up easily."

You and Asger were running through the gardens trying to locate some gnomes.

He scoffed. "Really darling, I think you should let the man handle this."

Spinning on your heel, you held a dagger to his throat.

"If you call me darling again I will cut your fucking throat out" you hissed. Smirking, you vanished the weapon and kept running when you saw his eyes widen with fear.

"Good job darling"

"I just told you not to call me that!" you turned back to him.

He looked confused as you shook with anger. "I-I didn't say anything?" He said.

"Relax Princess it's me"

"Oh. Come on we need to get a move on" you said, and Asger followed, looking slightly scared.

"Sorry peasant, I didn't realise the link had opened up."

"That's ok Princess."

"Stop laughing at me."


You rolled your eyes and mumbled "Stupid Prince."

Asger looked over at you, confused. You just shook your head.


You dived under the bush, grabbing two gnomes by the ankles. You tossed one to Asger and after a couple minutes of struggling, you managed to sedate yours.

"What in the Norns are you doing?"

You had turned around to see your partner being chased by his gnome. Rolling your eyes, you picked the gnome up and managed to sedate that one too.

"You're quite good at that Princess."

"Thanks Peasant."

You and Asger ran back to the instructor and handed in your gnomes.

"Fourth pair in congratulations.This was quite well done? Who did it?" she said, writing notes on her papers.

Before you could speak, Asger said "Oh it was all me Ma'am, I easily sedated one and turned around to see y/n being chased by the other." He looked at you shook his head in mock sorrow.

Outraged, you were about to speak up before a soft voice behind you spoke.

"That is untrue."


You whipped around to see Loki standing there, his hands behind his back, his tall frame leaning forward slightly as he spoke.

"Gosh he looks good" You thought.

"Thanks darling."

"What! You didn't tell me you could read minds!"

"Small detail."

"I beg your pardon? Who do you think you- oh my Norns your highness mg deepest apologies" Asger said, dropping to one knee, his left hand over his heart.

Loki ignored him.

"I was watching the capture from afar. Lady y/n here caught two gnomes, and gave one to Asger. She then proceeded to sedate hers and turned around to see him being chased by his. She then sedated the second one as well."

The instructor turned to glare at Asger. "Is this true?"

"W-well you see I-I she threatened me!" He sputtered, pointing an accusing hand towards you.

You scoffed and rolled you eyes, folding your arms to refrain from doing anything drastic.
"Yes I did , after you repeatedly called me 'darling' multiple times after I told you stop and telling me to step aside so that 'the man' could handle the situation."

The instructor looked outraged. Asger was immediately removed from the competition for harassment and blatant lying.


"You don't think that was slightly harsh?" You ask.

Loki smiled down at you. "No darling, I do not. What he did was wrong and he deserved it."

You were currently sitting on a couch in the library, leaning against Loki as you both read your books.

"But you could've gotten in trouble. People might have been suspicious."

He rolled his eyes.

"Darling, I am a Prince. Plus, I was merely defending my Princess" he said simply, returning to his book.

You smiled, a faint blush tinting your cheeks.

The Battle Of Protectors | Loki x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now