Part 25 | Announcement

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Thankfully you had made it through to the tenth round. One girl had been eliminated and two other competitors had refused to participate in the ninth round. This left six of you.

Only one more round until you could announce your courtship.

You took a deep breath and stepped into the ring. Round ten was a magical duel between two competitors.

You were versing a boy who was extremely good at magic.

"Don't worry love, you're very talented."

"Thanks Lokes."

"My Son is right dear. Don't stress, clear your mind."

"Thank you Frigga."

You stood opposite him and gave a small bow of the head. He scoffed.

"Rude" you muttered.

"Why am I versing a girl?" he scorned.

You stayed silent, choosing to just watch him.

"What's wrong, are you mute?" he said, waving his hand at you and clicking his fingers.

You could see Loki out of the corner of your eye. Frigga had his hand on his arm, whispering something in his ear as he glared at the boy.

"No, I just choose not to waste my words on people like you" you replied and he glared at you.

"Alright, were starting" he snarled, stalking forward.

"No we're not, I haven't called the match yet" the instructor called out. The boy ignored him and used his magic to chain you to a post he conjured.

"Not so brave now are we?" he sneered.

You rolled your eyes and sent out a pulse of gold light, shattering the chains. Landing neatly on your feet, you shook off the metal remnants and smiled at him.

He threw a ball of purple light at you. You blocked it before throwing him back. He landed on the ground and didn't move.

Panicking, you ran over and checked his pulse. Not dead, unconscious.

Standing up, you nodded to the instructor. She rang the bell to signify the end of the match.

"Are you okay?" Sif asked as you stepped out of the ring. You nodded.

"That was great! How did you manage to knock him out so quick?" Vidar exclaimed, wrapping you in a hug.

"Thanks Mop, I have no idea. I didn't think I put that much power into it" you said with a frown.

He went to talk to some of his friends and you sat by yourself on the grass, watching as Sif made her way into the ring.

"Are you okay darling?"

"I'm fine Lokes, I don't how I knocked him out."


You looked up see him watching you, an innocent expression on his face.


"Yes love?"

"Its a competition, you can't just knock him out because he chained me up!"

He shrugged.

You sighed, before drawing a small heart in the air. He smiled and drew one back.

"Why are you drawing hearts in the air?" Sif asked. You jumped, not noticing she was back.

The Battle Of Protectors | Loki x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now