Part 11 | Deal

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"What are you doing?"

"Training mop head."

Vidar sighed. "That nickname isn't going away is it?"


You and Sif halted in your practice, grinning at Vidar.

"Oh come on Vid, you know you love it" you said.


"That's not an insult that's just fact."

You turned to the voice, groaning when you see Sigfus and Madeela, Sigfus smirking at you.

Vidar gave a small bow, and rolled his eyes when you threw a dagger at him.

"I'm so glad Asgardians heal fast" he mumbled, yanking the knife out from his arm and watching as the cut slowly knitted itself back together. [Again, not sure if that's true but they're warriors so they need to be able to].

"If your so good Vid, by all means come and fight me" Sif challenged, swinging her sword menacingly.

"No thank you, I wouldn't want to injure your pride."

"Chicken" you mumbled, putting on an innocent face when he glared at you.

He sighed and shimmered himself into his armour in a flash red. He turned back to Sif, jumped over the fence and into the sparring pit.

"Have fun Mop Head" you said, turning and walking back to your room.

You laughed as you felt a large rock bounce off the back of your armour.


After you had showered, you wandered off to the Royal library to get a new book.

You looked around for the Muspelheim section, and see it near the top of one of the book cases.

Climbing up, you eventually found a novel called "A Guide To Muspelheim; The Land, The Lives and The Royalty."

Reaching over to grab it, your foot slipped and you tumbled towards the ground. Expecting to land on the hard wooden floor, you flipped onto your back, ready to cast a cushioning charm as soon as you hit the floor. However, once again, you felt yourself stopped by something.

Loki was smirking down at you, laughing at the expression on your face. You shot a bolt of gold into his face, causing him to drop you. You picked yourself up, brushing off your clothes.

"Are you stalking me or something?"

"I merely happened to be in your isle My Lady" he said, raising his brows when you mumbled "Sure sure."

"Are doubting Royalty there Lady Y/n?"

Straitening up, you respond immediately with "Of course not Your Highness."

This made him laugh, really laugh, and the sound echoed around the room. "I'm just kidding" he said, after his fit had subsided.


"Today, we have the almighty God Of Thunder facing the spectacular Lady Y/n!"

The crowd roared its approval. It's not often that one of the Princes challenged someone else to a fight.

Frigga saw you standing off to the side, nervously twirling your daggers. She sidled over to talk you.

"My dear, please don't worry about injuring him, it would be good to bring him off his high horse a bit" she said, and you gave a nervous smile in return.

"Now off you go, do us proud."

You stepped into the sparring arena, and the crowd cheered, lifting your spirits a tiny bit. You looked over to Thor, who was waving at the crowd as they chanted his name. You caught Loki's eye and he wrote with magic "Ten bucks he beats you."

You poked your tongue out and responded with "Twenty and you're on."


Frigga was watching this little exchange with amusement.

The instructor was explaining the rules to Thor. He then came over to you.

"Remember, injure or disarm, do not aim to kill. The fight will stop when one of you yields" he said. You nodded. He looked over at Thor nervously, then back to you. "Good luck" he said quietly. You thanked him and turned back to Loki.

He wrote in the air "Wow, he has a lot of confidence in you."

You gave him the finger, causing him to roll his eyes and Frigga to burst out laughing. Odin looked over, looking slightly disapproving at the immature behaviour. You immediately stood straight and turned back to Thor.

"Let the battle, begin!"

The Battle Of Protectors | Loki x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now