Part 10 | But You're A Prince!

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You pull Vidar upright, struggling against his weight. Sif runs out to help, laughing her head off.

"That was amazing n/n" she says as you put Vidar down on the ground.

"Thanks" you say, grinning back at her.

"What about me?" "Oh come on Vid that was pathetic she smashed you."

Chuckling, you turn around to see Frigga, The Princes and the AllFather standing behind you.

"Your majesty" you say, bowing to Odin with your left hand over your heart.

He smiles. "Frigga has told me about your friendship with her and Loki."

You smile and bow your head in agreement before turning to the Princes.

"What did you think?" you ask, wiping the blood off your daggers before simmering them away.

Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Odin watching your magic intently. You filed that away for later.

"That was very impressive Lady y/n!" Thor boomed.

Loki smirked and said "Indeed it was."

Frigga gave you a hug, praising you on your fighting abilities.

"What realm are from Lady y/n?" Odin asked.

"I am from Alfheim AllFather."

He nodded, but didn't say anything more.

"Lady Y/n, I challenge you to a battle tomorrow afternoon at the main sparring arena!" Thor boomed.

You stopped, in fhe process of cleaning your cuts.

Loki glanced over at you to see a terrified look on your face.

"You don't have to if your scared, Thor is quite terrifying" he said, smirking at the look on your face.

You scoffed. "I've fought creatures twice the size of Thor."

"Then what are you worried about?" Thor asked merrily.

"W-well your a Prince for goodness sake!" you sputtered. You became confused when the Royal family laughed.

"Don't worry my dear, it will be nice see Thor beaten by someone other than Loki for once" Frigga said, her face li up with delight.

"Then it is settled!" said Odin. He turned and announced it to the waiting crowd, mixed looks of shock and amazement on their faces. When you and the Princes saw Saala glaring at you, Thor narrowed his and Loki gave her the finger.

The crowd roared with laughter, and Saala went bright red with embarrassment.

You grinned at him and he gave a small bow. Frigga was trying to look disapproving but failing. She sighed, giving up.

"What did you expect from the God of Mischief Mother?" he said, and she rolled her eyes.

"You are still a prince Loki."

"The better one, if I might add."

Odin laughed and smiled at him, and Loki looked at him with shock, pride flitting across his features.

"I'll see you all tomorrow then" you said, bowing to the Royals. They smiled and waved you away. You walked back over to your friends, grinning when you hear "When has Loki ever beaten me?!"

"Many, many times Thor."

The Battle Of Protectors | Loki x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now