Part 23 | Madeela

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"Ready, begin!"

Round 8 had started. Its was literacy, and the exam was on Asgard. Frigga has explained the importance of knowing about the realm where you will live (if you succeed). You were getting closer and closer to being able to announce your courtship with Loki.

It was a difficult quiz. By the end of it you were glad it was over.

You walked into the dining hall for dinner and spotted a distressed looking Madeela. You sat down next to her and Sif who was trying to comfort her.

Madeela looked up at you, her eyes fearful. "I failed it, I know I did. I didn't study for Asgard, I didn't think that- Oh my Norns how could I be so stupid-"

You cut her off by wrapping your arms around her, smoothing her hair. She stiffened up for a moment before relaxing, returning the hug. Her eyes filled with tears.

"What if my parents think I'm a failure? What if they don't want me anymore! What if-"

"Dee, it is an incredible achievement to have made it this far. You've beaten over four hundred other candidates, all who were applying for the same position. You battled people, caught gnomes, you even tamed a baby dragon for goodness sake! Either way, you get to see Sigfus everyday, and we will all still be your friends" you say, smiling as Vidar reached over with a napkin, wiping her tears away.

"We're here for you Dee, that's what friends are for" he says, and she gives him a small smile.

She holds you tight for a second, before letting go. She sits up and takes a deep breath, her eyes puffy. "Thanks n/n" she says quietly.

"Anytime" you reply, squeezing her hand.


As you walked to your room, your mind was on Madeela, wondering how she was doing. Your mind was so preoccupied that you didn't see who was standing beside your door.

"Oh! You're majesty I'm so sorry I wasn't paying any attention!"

Frigga laughed. "Don't worry my dear, I could tell. And how many times do I have to tell you to call me Frigga!"

You smile. "Sorry, I forget sometimes."

"No worries dear, now, back to the reason I came here. You are aware that your courtship between you and Loki will be made public if you make it through the next two rounds?"

You nod.

"And you are happy with this?"

"Of course!  Why would I not be? If he wants to call it off that's fine-"

She waved you away, smiling. "No dear, he's so excited. I haven't seen him this happy in a while."

A feeling of pride fills your chest and you grin at Frigga. "Then why did you ask?"

"I just wanted to check that you were happy with it my dear."

"Very. I'm excited to be able to talk to him in public, not have to keep it a secret. I feel like we never really get to see each other" you reply.

She smiles at you. "That's wonderful to hear. Only a few more days and then you will be able to. Go to sleep now, and I'll see you at breakfast" she says.

"Thank you Frigga, goodnight" you say, opening your door. She watches as you enter, giving her a small wave before shutting it softly behind you.

You go about your evening, humming to yourself.

Outside your door, Frigga stands there, listening. The magic fades away, revealing Loki, a huge smile on his face.

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