Part 21 | An Offer

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"Contestants! Since there was a cheater in the last round, an extra person has been removed, leaving ten of you left."

Everyone murmured. Loki caught your eye, the hint of a smile playing on his handsome features.


"Shut it peasant."

"From now on only one person will be eliminated each round. Do your very best, as the Princes and the AllMother will be watching very carefully."

"Today we have another battle. You will go one on one continuously, moving up or down the ranks with each battle. If you finish on the bottom you will be removed. Please make your way out to the sparring pits."

You walked along with Sif, Vidar, Madeela and Sigfus, looking around nervously at the remaining competitors.

You knew you could beat all of them in battle, and score well in literacy, but if they threw in horse riding again you'd be screwed.

"Quiet your mind Princess, focus on the task at hand. You are a talented warrior, you will be more than fine."

You gave a small nod, knowing Loki could see it. Sif looked at you weirdly. You just smiled in return.


"Y/n l/n you're up first!"

You nodded and shimmered yourself into your armour. You jumped the fence and walked to the centre of the arena.

"Versing y/n is..."

The instructor sorted through the slips of paper in a large glass bowl.

"Sigfus Baneson!"

He gulped and caught your eye. You gave him an encouraging smile as he made his way up to the pit.

They only downside about making friends is the fact that you had to try your hardest to beat them.

"I know you love your friends dear, but you must focus on the task ahead."

You looked around you, catching the eye of Frigga who was standing beside the judging table. The mind link voice matched hers.

"Correct my dear, now you must focus."


By this time Sigfus was in front of you, ready to fight.

"Don't worry Princess. If any of your friends are removed I will personally make sure that they get a position on the Royal Guard. They are all good warriors to have made it this far."

Hearing this news immediately cheered you up.

"Thank you Loki."

"Anytime Princess."

"Contestants ready!"

You summoned your daggers, seeing Frigga roll her eyes at the proud expression on her sons face.

"Let the fight begin!"


You looked at him, and he smirked, before throwing a mace at you.

"Really Sig? A mace?"

"Shut up I wasn't ready!"

Both laughing, you fought each other in hand to hand combat.

He nearly disarmed you before you managed to throw him into the sand. You conjured a sword and held it to his neck, a foot on his chest. He raised his hands in defeat. A bell rang to signal the end of the fight.


"Next up we have Vidar fighting y/n l/n!"

"YES!" You both shout at the same time. The instructor looked over at you questioningly.

"I've been waiting to kick your arse in battle since day one" he said, grinning.

You scoffed. "In your dreams mop head."

"Good luck shortass."

"Same to you mop."

Seven minutes later and you were sitting proudly on Vidar's back, a dagger in his side.

The bell rang. Frigga smiled and Loki gave you a small thumbs up.

You offered him your hand. He took it, groaning as you pulled him up, struggling a bit.

"Good try Mop."

"Shut it."


"Good job today everyone!"

The ten remaining competitors were sitting around, cleaning their cuts and bruises. You were cleaning a slash on Sifs shoulder as she stitched up a wound in your calf.

"In the top place we have y/n l/n!"

The others gave you a small round of applause and and Sif turned around to hug you, careful to avoid her shoulder.

"Sadly, we have to say goodbye to a competitor today."

"And that person is..."

"Sigfus Banson."

Madeela turned to him, a single tear rolling down her cheek.

He stood and bowed. "Thank you AllMother and Prince's for this opportunity" he said.

Before he could leave, you saw Loki nudge Thor with his foot. Thor cleared his throat and stepped forward.

"The AllMother, my bother and I have discussed a new option for those dismissed from the competition. To have made it this far you must be great warriors, so we offer you a position on the Royal Guard."

The contestants gasped, smiles lighting up their faces. There was a round of applause for the Royals before Loki turned to Sigfus.

"Do you accept this offer?" He asked, his signature smirk on his face. Sigfus smiled in response and said "I do my Prince. Thank you so much."

The Battle Of Protectors | Loki x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now