Part 7 | The Second Stage

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"Alright competitors gather round!"

Everyone stood in a large open space in the library, tingling with anticipation.

"There are 52 of your remaining, meaning we have weaselled out the weak ones."

There were cheers and scattered applause.

The instructor gave a small smile before continuing. "Today we are doing the first assessment of your magic." There were a few groans and worried looks. You looked up at the Royal family to see Prince Loki watching you.

"From now, only two to three competitors will be removed each round. The main sections of the competition are: Fighting, sorcery, horse riding and literature, however some other categories will be thrown in randomly. These main areas will be repeated until we have one all rounder for each Prince. Understood?" Everyone nodded. "Alright, partner up, spread out, and warm up your magic. An instructor will come around and grade you on what they request of you, and The AllMother and Prince Loki will come around and watch. Off you go!"

Everyone was running around to find partners. You looked around for Sif, only to see her already partnered up with Vidar. She shot you an apologetic look while Vidar grinned. You flipped him off, smiled at Sif and turned to find someone else.

"Do you need a partner?"

You turned around to see a two girls standing behind you. "I'm Madeela" said the one with long brown hair, "And this Saala." The other girl had red hair that was cut into a bob. Saala sneered at you, while Madeela rolled her eyes. "Sibling aren't allowed to partner up, I've got a partner but Saa doesn't" she explained. "I'm y/n, and I'd love to be your partner" you said with a smile.

"Alright competitors begin warming up!" "Thank you so much!" exclaimed Madeela, giving you a quick hug before running off to her partner.

"What kind of magic do you possess?" you ask Saala as you begin to warm up. "That is absolutely none of your business" she snarked, watching longingly as you juggled some golden balls of light. "If I didn't know better, I might even say you don't possess any at all" you say, moving on the rolling them up and down your arms. "I do so!" she yelled, causing the AllMother to look at her with annoyance. "Sure sure" you reply, concentrating on feeling the magic moving in your veins. "If that's true, then why aren't you warming up? Your sister is." Out of the corner of your eye you see Madeela throwing blue balls of light with her partner who was throwing silver ones. "Because I don't want to" she huffed, folding her arms. "Suit yourself" you reply, noticing The AllMother, Prince Loki and an instructor coming your way. You quickly halted in your practice.

"Ah, here's Lady Y/n! This is the elf from Alfheim Mother!" said Prince Loki, looking at you with a small smile.

"I see" she replied. "Oh! The one with the incredible fighting skills!" He nodded. "It is a pleasure to meet you" she said kindly, reaching out to give you a hug. She gave a light laugh at the look of shock on your face.

"The pleasure is all mine AllMother-" She waved you away, saying "Please, call me Frigga, my son speaks highly of you." You smiled and thanked her, grinning at the blush on Prince Loki's cheeks.

"Good morning AllMother" said Saala, curtseying to her. "H-hello Prince Loki" she put on a fake stutter of shyness, causing him to roll his eyes. You giggled, but stopped when she turned to glare at you. "What?" you asked with an innocent expression on your face. This time it was Frigga and Prince Loki's turn to laugh.

Frigga clapped her hands together. "Now, let's get on to what here actually here for."


"Y/n, please conjure a weapon of your choice and move immediately into a fighting stance."

You did so, conjuring two small daggers in your hands. Prince Loki's eyes glinted with excitement. "May I inspect them?" he asked, and Frigga laughed. "Of course My Prince" you responded. Prince Loki rolled his eyes. "Please, just call me Loki." You blushed, and nodded. "These are beautiful" he said quietly, running his lithe hands over the emeralds set in the hilt, your name engraved in the blade. "Thank you, they were made back in my homeland." Frigga and Loki continued to study them. "They are my sons favourite weapon" said Frigga, sending a small jolt of pride down your body. After he was done, they turned to Saala. "Please do the same" she instructed quietly. Saala nodded nervously, and got into a fighting stance. She waved her hand.

Nothing happened.



She kept trying, nervously looking between Frigga's unimpressed face and Loki's bored expression. She gave a nervous chuckle, and eventually gave up. You smirked and she hissed at you. Frigga and Loki were silent for a minute.

"May I ask why you entered The Battle of Protectors if you are magic less?" she asked quietly. Saala looked terrified as the instructor began writing notes on her clipboard.

"Your Majesty- Frigga-" "AllMother to you" she corrected quietly before turning back to you. "On the other hand, Lady y/n, I am highly impressed with the level of your magic and would like offer you private lessons with Loki and myself." Your jaw dropped. Loki chuckled from beside his Mother, looking proud. "I-I couldn't possibly accept, that's too much-" "I order you as your Queen to take private lessons with me" she sad, a twinkle in her eye. You smiled. "Thank you so much Your Majest- Frigga, and please, call me y/n." She nodded and said "If you make it to the fifth round, we will begin. I will come and find you" she said, giving you a small hug before leaving. Loki grinned at you before following her. You stood there in a daze, a smile lighting up your features. Something, no, someone, made you snap out of it.

Whipping around, you pinned her up against a bookshelf, a dagger held to her throat.

"What did you just call me?" you asked quietly, seeing Madeela snicker out of the corner of your eye.

"H-how, how did you hear that?" she asked terrified. You rolled our eyes. "I'm an elf idiot, of course I can you calling me names behind my back." You dropped and walked off to find Sif and Vidar.

"Hey Sif, hey Mop head."


The Battle Of Protectors | Loki x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now