Part 9 | Round Three

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Sigfus was right; round was three was horse riding.

Everyone was stationed beside a horse. Your horse was tall and dark brown with white socks on its feet. [Socks as in the colour patterning, not actual socks lol].

The head instructor told everyone to mount their horses while Frigga and the two Princes moved around, telling the instructor following them what notes to take on each person.

"Have you ever ridden a horse before?"

A mellow voice came from your left. You looked over to see Loki standing beside you, Frigga behind him.

You chuckled nervously. "Not really. I don't think this one likes me very much" you said, patting the horses mane.

Just as you finished saying that, the horse in the next stable whinnied, scaring your horse. It reared up, and you fell backwards, unprepared. Before you could hit the ground, you were caught by someone strong. You looked up to see Loki smirking at you in amusement as Frigga laughed. You buried your face in your hands, a blush creeping up your face.

"Careful" was all he said as lifted you back onto the horse, the smirk still on his lips.

You nodded. "Thanks for saving me from a broken back" you said, poking him in the shoulder. He grinned, as Frigga responded. "Don't worry dear, I would've healed you anyway." She smiled at you, and her Loki walked back up to the head instructor.

Vidar wiggled his eyebrows at you.

"She reminds me of you dear" said Frigga as the two watched throw a dagger at Vidar.

Thor grinned. "Vidar reminds me of myself" he added as Vidar rolled his eyes and pulled the knife out of his side.

Loki laughed and Frigga smiled, happy to see her sons getting along.


"Well that was exhausting" Vidar complained as you two and Sif brushed the horses.

"Gods I'm terrible at that" getting laugh from Sif.

"Careful, you're still being marked" Sif teased, causing Vidar to stand up straighter.

"You'll be fine mop head."

"I'll cut your liver out."

"And I'll sow it back in."

Frigga, Loki and Thor smiled from up the front, listening to you three's antics through a hearing spell Frigga had placed earlier. So far they had heard Vidar threaten to cut out five of your major organs and you had stabbed him seven times.

"You're lucky you heal fast mop head, I don't know what I'd do without my target practice."

"I'll stab you."

"I'd like to see you try."

At that point, Frigga came over, explained the hearing spell and dragged you two out the nearest sparring arena. All the other competitors followed, chanting "Fight! fight! fight!"

You grinned as Vidar looked slightly nervous.

"What? You worried mop head?"

He scoffed. "In your dreams short ass."

Thor stepped up, a glint in his eye. "You fight until one of surrenders or The AllMother calls out an end if she see an obvious win."

You nodded, itching to get going.

"You that eager to stab me?" asks Vidar, rolling his eyes when nod your head.

"Let the competition, begin!"


You run at him, conjuring two daggers as you slashed at his arm.

He hissed and swung his sword. You rolled neatly out the way, stabbing him the ankle as you do so. He picks you up by the back of your armour, grinning. You smile sweetly, them throw a dagger directly into his stomach. He coughs, dropping you to the floor.

For the next few minutes, you battle with the sword you conjured to match his. You sustained a few cuts and he managed to stab you in the thigh. Bending down to dodge his swing, you use the same tactic that helped win in the first round.

Picking up a handful of sand, you throw it straight into his face. Smirking at him, you kick his legs out from underneath him. He falls back onto the ground, coughing and spluttering. You put a foot his sword and hold your dagger to his neck. Flicking one last knife into his calf, you stand up and take a bow when the whistle blows.

"You good down there mop head?"


"Why thank you."

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