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-Someone has been walking around and killing my soldiers! I will find you! I will kill you! I promise you that! How dare you? If you are doing anything to help Millie escape, I will make you regret it! She is not worth it. Do you all really want to know who Millie Bobby Brown is? Well, let me tell you. Or let me tell everyone listening....., started the woman from the speakers.

She then continued.

-Millie Bobby Brown is a spoiled brat who dared to kill my little Peter. She dated him for two years! Then suddenly, he then disappeared into thin air! Where is he now? 6 feet under! He was found dead in the woods. Two hours after he had broken up with Millie. She did that to him. But her father is rich, so of course he bought the judges off and she is not guilty. But I know the truth, Millie! I know what you did to my poor boy! And that is why I tried to get with your father! I wanted to hurt him, just like you hurt Peter! No matter the consequences! But your dad stopped talking to me. So I came here. For you. Only you, Millie. I'm going to catch you. I'm going humiliate you. And you'll regret ever being born. I promise. And for those helping her, right this second, I hope you know that you're risking your lives for a murderer! Now, this is your last chance to deliver her to me. You have 10 minutes. If you do not give her to us, we will kill you. All of you., said the woman through the speakers.

Sadie frowned and tried processing all of it. She turned around, looking at Millie who was looking at a speaker, tears in her eyes. Lilia saw Sadie looking at Millie and got in front of Millie.

-She didn't do it., said the blonde girl.

Millie heard that and looked at Lilia and then where she was looking. Her eyes locked with Sadie's. The redhead was lost in her thoughts, a gun in her hand. Jillian was standing next to Teagan, who was still processing the whole thing.

-You killed her son? No wonder she's pissed., said Olivia shaking her head.

-She didn't kill him., repeated Lilia again.

-Yeah, well that's not what that mother thinks., said Teagan, joining Olivia.

-Millie isn't like that., replied Jillian, joining Lilia and Millie.

-How would you know?, scoffed Teagan.

-She's our friend., said Lilia.

-So?, added Olivia.

-Shut up! All of you. Now., ordered Sadie, her eyes not having left Millie's wet ones. 

The girls all turned to Sadie.

-Millie, did you kill her son?, said the redhead with a calm but serious tone.

-No. I-I didn't. I broke up with him. That's it. I swear., replied the brunette.

-You better not be lying., said Sadie walking up to Millie menacingly.

-I broke up with him after a date. H-He got angry. He had a knife. So I got out of his car and I-I ran away into the woods. He followed me and caught up. I hit scratched him and ran away. I found my way home after a few hours. The cops were at my door. They had found his dead body. With scratches on his arms. They saw the blood on my hands. They immediately arrested me. But I didn't do it. I swear. They have it on tape. Peter running after me with his knife. I swear. You have to believe me. Please., rambled Millie as Sadie got dangerously closer.

The redhead was stopped by Lilia who didn't move out of her way. 

-She's innocent. The only murderer here, is you., said the blonde girl, her body shaking but not her voice.

Sadie looked Lilia in the eyes.

-I killed to keep you safe., said Sadie calmly.

-Still a murderer., said the blonde girl again.

-You're protecting your friend. I admire that. But I'm not gonna hurt her or you or anyone here. So please step aside., said the redhead.

-You have your gun in your hand., said Lilia.

-Exactly. If I wanted to hurt someone, I would have already done it. Now move. Please., continued Sadie.

Lilia looked down and nodded. Sadie walked past her and up to Millie. Millie's eyes hadn't left Sadie ever since Peter's death was revealed.

-I didn't do it., whispered Millie as Sadie was only two steps away from her.

-I know., nodded Sadie, getting closer and pulling Millie into her arms.

Jillian and Lilia felt relieved when they saw Sadie reacting that way. They didn't know what the redhead was capable of, so they were quite scared of how Sadie could have reacted to all of it. Teagan and Olivia looked at each other.

Millie was tense at first, not expecting that, but then relaxed her body and hugged her back. She took a deep shaky breath.

-What's this for?, whispered the brunette.

-I'm sorry you went through that. Peter seemed like a douche., replied Sadie, not pulling away from the hug.

-Well, he was kinda abusive and manipulative, but I can't blame him. Have you seen his mother? And his father died when he was little., explained Millie.

-But that does not justify any of what he might have done to you. Okay?, said Sadie tightening the hug slightly.

-Okay..., nodded Millie, hiding her head in Sadie's chest.

-Uhm- sorry to interrupt, but we've got company., said Teagan.

Sadie pulled away from the hug and heard the Manny footsteps. 

-Fuck. Under the bleachers. Now., ordered the redhead.

Teagan took Olivia's hand and pulled her under the bleachers. Jillian and Lilia quickly joined them. Sadie looked at Millie.

-Do you trust me?, said the redhead.

Millie nodded.

-Okay, just play along., said the older girl.

Millie frowned, not knowing what Sadie had in mind but they were in the middle of the room, where everyone could see them from every entrance.

6 men started making their way to the centre, pointing their guns at Millie and Sadie.

-I've found her., said Sadie, pointing her gun against Millie's head.

-Put your gun down., ordered a man.

-Hey, how dare you talk to me like that? She personally sent me down here to take care of this little bitch., scoffed Sadie, her gun still pressed again Millie's head.

Millie was frozen on the spot. She had her hands in the air, tears in her eyes.

-Fuck., whispered the brunette.

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