Ursula (1)

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Bringing the whip over Triton's head and with a sickening cracks and a couple of previous times engraved over his skin, the crowds went wild as they watched as the kingdom's daughters shared the 'burden' of the plague.



Every day, every month, every year. Ursula and Meganna were punished for something they didn't do by their subjects or their mother and father; Queen Adora and King Adonis. Even their own brother.. Triton.

"MOTHER!" shrieked Ursula, "STOP THIS!"

"If only you weren't born, you could've stopped it." hissed Queen Adora. Queen Adora had bright blue eyes the colour of gentle waves at places like Tahiti and Hawaii, and she had dark blonde hair which radiated off her body like bright rays of sunlight.

Meganna from where she was being whipped.

King Adonis frowned, "No, you're not and you never were." King Adonis had dark blue thunderous eyes just like his son and his father before him and he had rippling muscles which showed not only his courage but how he liked to show off and he had unintelligible brown hair which rolled off his shoulders in a strange but lovable fashion.

When the whipping was over, Ursula and Meganna retreated to their rooms where they collapsed on their beds. "why?" Meganna cried and cried, "why us?"

It was because their mother had an affair with another man who was half octopus and so Ursula and Meganna were half octopus too. They were outsiders in their own kingdom. Suddenly Triton entered, a sigh on his face. Another long day, and Ursula already had it it for him.

"I'll make you pay Triton, I swear to Poseidon." Ursula growled. Ursula glared at Triton with furious intensity as she fought to rip her hands and tentacles from the cuffs that bound them together.

"You were always so melodramatic." Triton cocked an eyebrow as he came closer and soaked the cuffs in burning hot acid. It didn't melt them, but it sure would melt Ursula. And sure enough, Triton's face lit up at the raw cry that emerged from Ursula's throat.

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