Shere Khan

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There once was a cruel tiger, who grew up in the forest with a tigress as his wife. One day, he had a litter of many many cubs. But as the tiger was so cruel, he made the cubs go through a series of challenges.

There were seven cubs in total and the challenges were to eliminate, and find who was the best and who would become the favourite. All seven of the cubs were given names, but according to the number of their birth.

One, the eldest went down a rabbit hole and died. Two, the second eldest was a wimp and was pushed off the side of a building by her father. Three was killed in his sleep along with Four. Five and Six were poisoned, but Seven? Seven survived and became his father's favourite.

Seven eventually gained a new name, something that he would forever be remembered by, something his own mother named him, meaning, 'Tiger King.'

Shere Khan.

* 20 Years later *

Shere Khan, now a fully grown tiger, of all the courage and ability in the world, approached the pack with terror in their eyes as he roared, "You did not respond to reason, now you will know fear!"

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