Queen Of Hearts (1)

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The Queen of Hearts wasn't always the fierce, head-chopping, crazy, out of this word woman that she is today. She was surprisingly much, much calmer and she had a way about her that nobody deemed possible. But she was born a princess. And she was seen by the kingdom of Wonderland as evil, even from the start of her life. Well, we'll see about that.


Elizabeth stared in wonder, running her fingers across the creature's glass exterior. She hadn't seen anything like it. "Do you like them?" The Queen smirked, running her hand up the tiger that materialised beside her too. It too was made of pure glass.

"How are they alive?" Elizabeth asked.

The queen chuckled at her daughter's question. Smiling, she gestured to the staff in her other hand, "I have the ability to create as I please, and give it life if I want it to. And soon, my dear daughter," She took long, elegant strides til she reached Elizabeth, "soon, you will too."


Elizabeth jumped out of her bed, feeling the bed's sweaty interior from getting her late night sweaty nightmares once again. She wanted to call for her mother when she realised her mother had gone on one of her long quests to 'heal' Wonderland as she had promised Elizabeth that she would. "Are you alright, your highness?" asked a fish servant from behind the door named Eric.

"Come in." ordered Elizabeth who then dropped to her knees sulking, "Eric, fishy guy, I miss my mother. Why did she leave me? What did I do?"

Eric tried to comfort her with a fin patting her back, "Your majesty, the Queen did not leave you because of something you've done, she had to leave because she wanted to figure something out and to figure it out, she wanted to fix it. And that is Wonderland. You remind me an awful lot of her though. Do you see herself in you too?"

Elizabeth sniffed, "I do. I see her. Every time, I look in the mirror, she's standing there beside me. Telling me what to wear, how to act what words I should use within court, how to please everyone and what hair I should style my hair."

Eric frowned, "Surely, your life wouldn't be too hard, ma'am. I'm sure that the royal life would have its ups and downs but, your highness, it would be quite a lot of stress."

Elizabeth groaned, "You think? Leave me, fish. I'm going back to sleep." And with that Eric left her alone, passing under the door, leaving some water left on her back where his slippery fin had been. "AND DONT YOU DARE TOUCH ME!!!!"

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