Queen Of Hearts (2)

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~ 10 years later ~

"Retrieve my croquet stick and ball, you blubbering idiots!!!!" screamed Queen Marinella. Elizabeth's mother was back.

"Yes, Your Highness." bowed the servants and ran away to fetch the Queen needs.

Elizabeth curtsied towards her mother and sighed, "Mother. Be nice." Her mother then furiously turned her head towards her daughter, grabbed her sword from her waist belt and held it towards her daughters throat.

Queen Marinella hissed, "I've been at war for ten years. Suffering. Through thick and thin, I survived. I managed to barely survive, with nearly losing everything, and I finally got a chance at killing my enemies and making myself stronger, and my own daughter, my Lizzie says to be nice. Fuck that."

"Yes, Mother." whispered Elizabeth.

"Soon, you will learn." groaned Queen Marinella, "And you will learn that not everything that glitters is gold, my daughter."
Elizabeth backed away slowly as the Queen received her equipment and made a swing.

About a year later, Elizabeth got married to a complete psycho that only influenced the shit personality that she already had. His name was Hunter and boy he seemed like it.

One day, he called Elizabeth to the front window, where they overlooked the whole kingdom and Elizabeth was shocked to see her mother's head on the ground next to her and what's worse, some of her best friends and Eric the fish, her best friend when she was a child.

She only ever did what the heroes would do in her life. Try and save the day, have courage and being kind. Elizabeth sacrificed everything for her family and the only thing she ever got in return was pain. And so, she decided, to take that on her husband and everyone in Wonderland who went along with it.

Her mad personality ended up making her the most fierce yet foul tempered, childish monarch in Wonderland's history as her mentality went slower and slower into chaos. As her husband prepared for the sentence that she would give him which was most likely jail time because that was often the sentence in Wonderland, the Queen gave an order so unexpected, so devastating that nobody expected it.

"Cut his heart out." She ordered. And that's when Queen Elizabeth became known as the Queen of Hearts.

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