Prologue Part 2

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Forbi was the eldest, gifted with visions of the past. Her long blond hair dragged behind her as her silvery eyes gazed at things unseen. Aktuell was the sister of the present. She could see anything happening in the world at that given time.

Her red hair circled around her as she looked over the rugged generals and captains. Framtida, the youngest nymph, was the sister with visions of the future. A fire golem in looks, she stood out from her other two sisters. Dark rich skin, complemented her dark black hair, cut short and super curly. Framtida continued to the statue as her sisters waited behind beside Haross and Kelsi.

"You mean his allies? So, he was working with someone?" Trayson asked confused, though his friends had been right. This was his fault for being blinded by his own happiness. Trayson hesitated before storming over to them. 

"Why didn't you warn us of the fallout?! I thought you were supposed to be able to see the future!" Trayson shouted as both Welpion and Salvino grabbed his arms. Framtida ignored his outburst, simply examining what had become of Soren.

"The future is ever changing. Nothing is ever certain. There was a chance the monster would let go of past grudges. That Soren would never accept the deal and become a demon. After all, the future is never set in stone. There are as many possible futures as there are blades of grass. I can lead you to a field, but I cannot tell you which blade to pick.

"Every choice you make, large and small, alters the path you take and the future. And sometimes knowing what is coming only hurries one to their doom. Afterall there was a possibility my warnings would have only made things worse." Framtida explained, reaching out to pet the demons face.

"So, you are telling us, today could have had a different outcome if someone had done something different?" Kelsi wondered with heat in her voice as Framtida turned to glance at her. They all knew who she meant. She hadn't been quiet about her opinion. Trayson growled under his breath, pulling his arms out of the brother's grip.

"Simply put, yes. But not the person you think. No, this was the outcome of many paths colliding into one. No single person here is responsible for this war alone." Framtida said slowly as Welpion coughed.

"Vague as always." Welpion mumbled as Salvino scoffed at him.

"How was that vague? The lass just admitted that Trayson isn't at fault." Salvino argued as Welpion snorted at him.

"My friends, please. I can't bear any more fighting this day. I appreciate you standing by my side Salvino, but Welpion is right. I am one of many at fault. I did not play my part like I should, but I am not the only one to do so. Soren choose this path as well after all." Trayson admitted rubbing his face.

"That's what I said." Welpion grumbled as Salvino pushed him off balance.

"Is not, you snobby elf." Salvino muttered under his breath as Welpion drew himself up insulted.

"Stubborn dwarf! Go get lost in the mines!" Welpion hissed back as Trayson shook his head.

"Enough gentlemen. You are still members of the council. Please act like the leaders you are supposed to be." Elamire chided changing back into her two-legged form, getting to her feet and stretching. She turned before Kelsi, bowing deeply to thank the fairy for her talents. Her life would have been forfeit without them.

Elamire always thought they were similar with their knack for healing; however, a mermaid of any gender could only ever heal themselves and only with their element, water. A fairy could never heal themselves but could heal any other living thing of almost any illness or injury. Just with a mere touch. At least the females.

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