Meredith Part 2

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Hank smiled after them as Raven walked and talked with the queen. His smiled waned however when someone started picking off his plate.

"Your highness. Or should I say Lowness?" Hank teased making the shorter man frown.

"I don't have to like you, you know. Damn bastard." His company growled making Hank grin. Hank turned on the short man, pausing at his attire. Suefarlin Rhovanion, the elf king of Welpion stood at about four feet eleven inches.

His longer blond hair, normally kept loose, was pulled back in a tight bun to reveal his pointed ears. He wore expensive looking silks and still only looked to be about twenty making Hank frown. Suefarlin glanced up at him, his golden eyes smiling brightly.

"I was invited as the king and sadly had to dress the part. I wasn't sure I would see you here and I was just about to leave. Parties aren't really my thing as you know." Suefarlin told him as Hank huffed at him. They were old longtime friends, back from before Hank's time in the royal guard.

He used to visit Welpion to train under the small elf during the fall and winter months, when his mother began to get to be too much. He hadn't visited much since her death and even less after he got married.

"It has been far too long my friend. I should have visited you sooner." Hank told him as the elf king nodded as if he already knew that. He opened his mouth to say something pausing when he noticed a young maiden looking like she was interested in speaking to his friend. Hank followed his gaze frowning.

"It's a little warm in here, why don't we talk outside on the balcony where it's less crowded?" Suefarlin suggested as Hank nodded his thanks. There were many reasons he liked that little elf. Catching on and taking a hint was only one of the many traits Hank appreciated.

He wandered out onto the balcony, smiling when the elf king was no longer by his side, slinking back into the crowd to give Hank some space. He paused to lean against the railing looking out over the forest below. Some men would get queasy staring down over the roots and cliff side.

Hank frowned deciding the cliff was falling away, exposing more of the roots from the mother tree since the last time he had gazed upon her roots. It wasn't often though since most of his visits where simply to give reports. Not sightseeing, so he could be wrong.

Someone paused beside him, shifting cautiously as she glanced around. It seemed obvious that she wanted to ask him something but was worried about getting caught. Hank frowned as he considered it. Everyone knew her mother and her views about Raven.

If Rosila got caught aiding her mother's enemy, chances were Kielia would throw a fit. She was a woman who could hold a grudge for decades. Perhaps that's why Rosila had been verbally harassing his daughter, her half-sister, but not actually hurting her. But if not Rosila then who did assault his child?

"Is Raven around? I was thinking we could work on a class project together." Rosila mumbled trying not to be heard. Hank sighed glancing around before he shook his head.

"Raven is with the queen." Hank informed her softly, trying to keep his voice low. Rosila frowned and shifted closer, keeping her gaze on the fading sun. The sunsets were gorgeous from here as the bright pinks and oranges painted the sky over the forest.

"Are you sure?" Rosila asked the railing as Hank nodded at the open sky. It was hard to have a conversation while pretending not to talk to each other.

"Yes, I am sure. Your mother isn't here either, is she?" Hank asked as Rosila flinched.

"She is here. Wouldn't miss a business opportunity like this." Rosila muttered bitterly. "I just wanted to caution Raven against the men at this party. Some took an interest in her and I don't think she realized it wasn't the kind she wanted." Rosila told him casting her eyes about.

She noticed a small balcony with tall glass windows. It sat a little lower in the mother tree, snug in place. It seemed cozy compared to the balcony she stood on. Perfect for a morning tea she decided. Away from everyone else. There were other grand balconies she could see but for some strange reason, the smallest one appealed to her most.

"What kind of interest do you mean?" Hank wondered softly as more people wandered out onto the balcony for some fresh air. Rosila rolled her eyes and glared at him, before reminding herself she wasn't supposed to be talking to him at all. She turned back to watch the small balcony, keeping her gaze from looking at him.

"The kind of interest my mother draws in. I may not like Raven, but even she doesn't deserve to be played with by stupid boys." Rosila huffed annoyed. Hank sighed knowing exactly why men might take an interest in his daughter. She was different and beautiful.

An exotic treasure to add to their collection. Hank growled at the thought, deciding to ban his daughter from ever dating a single man. He paused when Rosila grabbed his hand in reflex. She pointed with her delicate tan finger, drawing Hank's attention to the balcony that had captured Rosila's interest.

"The Queens study." Hank grunted watching as two figures spoke, before the one in a blue dress, shut the other out of the room. Trapping her on the balcony. Hank frowned as he stood up. It was hard to see details, but he knew his daughter, as her short black hair waved around her shoulders. The silver in her purple dress, glinting in the fading sun light. Soon the sun would set completely, and they would no longer see her standing there.

Suddenly the doors opened and Rosila gasped at the golden prince as his red silk tunic danced in the wind. The girl on the balcony hurried into the room, making Hank growl as every hair on his body stood on end. Something wasn't right.

Rosila glanced around the balcony noticing it had emptied when the band had started playing a popular dance song. The noise from the festivities drowned out any other sound that might have been heard. Rosila felt Hank's hand on her shoulder as his grip tightened forcing Rosila to glance back at the scene.

Raven was back on the balcony, but this time, she was covered in something dark, staining the dress. Ivy was holding Adams arm, her bright red hair spilling wildly over her shoulders.

"Raven." Rosila breathed nervously as she grabbed Hank's hand. Suddenly, Adam shoved Ivy away from him as he attacked the girl on the balcony. Hank hissed as he watched as his daughter tried to fight back restricted by the gown. Ivy came back and seemed to be weeping as she begged Adam to stop.

Adam struck her again, making Hank growl as he watched their princess fall to her knees. Raven tried to go to her, but Adam shoved her back. Raven hit the balcony rail awkwardly, falling over the side of it. The four of them watched horrified as Raven toppled into the trees below.  

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