Hank Part 2

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Hank hurried down the hall's, slowing as a group of active soldiers stood talking with a disheveled young man. Hank glared at the prince of Salvino as he hurried on by and into the room. He was going on about how someone from his country wanted him dead and probably planned this attack, using the hounds to achieve it.

Hank paused in the doorway, watching as Ivy sat alone wrapped in a blanket as the guards surveying the room stood gapping at the dead queen. He growled softly, crossing the room to crouch in front of the broken princess.

"Ivy?" Hank asked softly as he reached out to touch her face. She flinched away from him, blinking quickly before she really looked at him. Hank was in his mid to late thirties, and even though he was married with kids, Ivy always sort of looked up to him.

There had been a point in her life when she had had the biggest crush on him, though she knew he would never be interested. He was almost fifteen years older than she was and acted like a big brother after her father's death. She could use a brother right now too.

"Shh. Everything is going to be okay." Hank told her as she started to cry. He pulled her into his shoulder rocking her gently. He hadn't missed the bruising on her cheek where she had been hit, making him growl protectively.

"Excuse me, who are you and why are you touching my bride to be?" Someone asked in a growl. Hank sighed, turning to look at the spoiled prince. He made no move to release Ivy, as she quieted.

"This is Hank of the royal guards. He grew up in the castle after his mother's death and has always considered Ivy to be like his baby sister, since he was close with her father." A second guard stated, pausing beside Adam.

"Hankard... The queen." The man mumbled making Hank frown as Ivy stiffened pulling away from him. Hank nodded getting to his feet, making sure to wrap the blanket around Ivy's shoulders more firmly.

"What happened?" Hank asked in a dark tone wandering around the basin. He hesitated when he saw the queen in her true form. Erlander, the older guard paused beside him shaking his head sadly.

"According to the prince, he believes his oldest brother is trying to kill him. King Gregory. Everyone knows that the middle brother was supposed to become the true heir to the throne, but he passed away due to an unfortunate accident. The prince believes his brother hired the Hounds to kill off his younger siblings. They broke in and attacked Ivy first, Meredith got between them and paid the price. Adam was able to fight them off, but not unscathed." Erlander grumbled as Hank huffed.

"And do you believe any of it?" Hank asked in a low growl as the other soldiers turned to glance at him.

"You think I am lying?" Adam accused, as Hank narrowed his eyes at him.

"I am not saying you are lying. Just that something doesn't add up. Mermaids, according to the stories of old, could bend and manipulate water. I know for a fact Meredith had such gifts, since I had witnessed them in person. There is a basin full of her element.

"If someone had tried to attack Ivy like you claim, I have no doubt that Meredith would have drowned the attacker. There is no water anywhere around her and the floor is dry, which means she either didn't have time to react or the attacker was someone she wasn't expecting." Hank told him as the guards shifted nervously. All Hank needed was a confession from Ivy to drag the prince's hide away, but she was eerily quiet.

"Maybe then he had it backwards. The attacker went for Meredith first and Ivy tried to defend the queen." One of his men suggested as Adam shrugged.

"My attention was on the fountain when it happened, so it's possible. They came in from the balcony." Adam told them as Hank glanced over his shoulder before crouching over Meredith.

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