Hank Part 1

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Hank pulled Rosila away from the balcony, hurrying into the ballroom to try and find his wife. He paused when he noticed Kielia flirting with some young men of the guard. Kielia was a sight to behold, not someone anyone would easily forget. Her long silky hair rippled like waves over her perfect curves.

Her dress was low and daring, even in this day and age. But Kielia was famous for her, well.... Career. She was dressed to seduce men of all kinds and she would fulfill their wildest dreams, if the price was right.

Hank sighed glancing around. She had changed after her husband's infidelity leading to Raven. Kielia used to be sweet and charming. But since she caught his betrayal, she decided to return it tenfold. Fooling around with any man for money.

Trying to prove to her ex that she was desired by any man, she didn't need a husband. Hank paused wondering why Kielia had refused to at least listen to them explain the seers reasoning. Maybe Hank should have offered to take in Rosila too.

"I must see the princess. Ivy is in trouble. I need you to do something for me. For Raven." Hank grunted down at her. Rosila paused staring up at him. She heard a giggling and flinched recognizing her mother's laugh. She simply nodded trying to stay hidden behind the large man beside her.

"I need you to find my wife and explain to her the situation. She should be over by the food table." Hank told her, nodding his head toward the long tables at the back of the room. Rosila nodded heading off, letting her pink petal dress flutter as she moved quickly. Hank turned heading for the queen's study.

Rosila browsed the crowd looking for the little cheerful woman. She frowned, noticing her mother as she sloppily drank and leaned against her company. The men around her were too busy staring at her exposed flesh as her chest bounced seductively.

Rosila pouted, embarrassed by her mother's behavior. She knew her mother was simply putting on an act. Men were always more willing to fall into the web when they thought the spider was sleeping. The fools. They would wake up hungover, played, and broke in the morning.

She kept moving through the crowd pausing to gently reject the men that approached her. She smiled relieved when she finally found Clair, standing on the far side of the table talking to some lady with wild pink hair. She tried to scoot past the groups of people, trying to make her way to her intended target. Someone stepped in front of her making her grunt when she bumped into them, too slow to dodge.

"Excuse me." Rosila mumbled as she tried to move around them. She frowned when they grabbed her wrist forcing her to peel her eyes off Clair. She huffed as the boy smiled down at her with his dark brown eyes. His curly brown hair was slicked back only letting a single curl fall into his face. "Tanner. Can I help you?" Rosila asked sweetly as her thin lips revealed teeth.

"Well, I was just wondering why you haven't asked me to dance with you." Tanner told her as he moved his hand up her arm. "I mean, we are getting married one day, right?" Tanner purred as he stepped closer. Rosila lost her smile shoving his hand away from her.

"Married? Like, I would ask if you were kidding, but your brain is too small to even comprehend what a joke might be. So, if that's the case, like are you serious? We aren't even dating!" Rosila growled as Tanner shrugged.

"Everyone thinks we are. Some of them even believe you and I have already... gotten close. Why not make those rumors true, Rose?" Tanner told her unfazed making her gape at him in disbelief.

"I don't even like you." Rosila huffed trying to walk away from him. Tanner reached out grabbing her arm.

"Hey, you don't have to be a bitch just because you are pretty..." Tanner trailed off as he grunted at the hand crushing his wrist. He wasn't thrilled with the interruption.

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