Rosila Part 3

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Hank jumped when the rock hit the tree to his right, twirling on the attacker. He paused when they started running away from him. He followed quickly, trying to get a glimpse of them through the pouring rain.

"Stop! Where is my daughter?!" Hank shouted after them as the lantern struggled to cut through the darkness. He thought he caught a glimpse of a skirt before they ran behind a tree.

"Hank." The forest whispered causing him to halt. He waved the lantern around in the air trying to see the forest around him. He couldn't hear anything other than the rain on the trees. Either his guide had stopped, or they had made their escape while he had been briefly distracted.

He growled as he dropped his lantern to his side, wondering where his daughter had disappeared to. Something on the ground caught his eye and he bent down to pick up the torn bloody fabric.

He combed the forest floor noticing something had been dragged out of the mud. He followed the trail to a hollow tree gasping in relief as he noticed his daughter sleeping soundly. He paused when he heard someone running away and Hank let out a soft growl. Though, the culprit that had led him to his daughter was probably the same that had dragged her out of the rain and covered her with a shawl.

"Thank you, may the forest bless your kindness." Hank whispered softly before focusing on his daughter. She was cut and bruised, her clothing torn and shredded. Though it was probably her hair that was going to make the biggest impact.

"Raven." Hank called, shaking her gently. She stirred slowly, coughing as she got some real air back into her lungs. She opened her eyes, blinking to clear away the fogginess.

"Dad?" She asked dazed and confused. She tried to sit up realizing she didn't have a top on, clutching the unfamiliar fabric to her chest. The movement distracted her momentarily as she stiffened. Her hair was short enough to brush her cheeks, making her panic as Hank pulled her into his wet chest.

"It's okay. It's going to be okay." Hank told his daughter as she sobbed into his shoulder. He rocked her gently as he simply waited for her to calm down. When she was simply sniffling, he lifted her into his arms, walking back out into the rain, taking his child home where she would be safe. She had cried herself to sleep on the walk home, exhausted from her ordeal.

Clair was waiting for them at the front door, rushing out to meet them when Hank entered their yard. He simply shook his head to keep his wife quiet as he carried his daughter to her own bed. Clair shooed him out of her room, and he went to strip out of his wet clothes and dry off. He sat at the table sipping his tea as he waited for his wife to reemerge.

"They have gone too far." Clair growled as she stalked out of the shadows. Normally his wife was a happy little thing. Full of sunshine and smiles. However, Raven was her child and right now, Raven was hurt.

"I agree." Hank said mildly as she turned to scoff at him. "I didn't find Raven alone. I had help." Hank told her as his wife paused. She poured herself some tea before sitting across from him.

"From whom?" Clair asked, making Hank grin. She was as curious as their daughter was. Sometimes.

"I don't know. She wouldn't let me see her face. I have a hunch who might have helped our daughter, but it is only a hunch." Hank told her as his wife pouted into her tea. He reached across the table taking his wife's hand in his. "It will be okay." Hank told her as she stood up from the table in a huff.

"Okay? You sound like this is normal. Our daughter is being bullied and abused! By whom knows who. Take your pick, nobody here accepts her. She's our daughter, Hank. We are supposed to protect her." Clair growled frustrated as Hank got to his feet, hugging his wife close.

"I know. She can't be our little girl forever though. She will one day want a life of her own. We can only prepare her for that future. I have tried talking to the parents, but they won't listen. They see nothing wrong with tormenting the outcast. I plan to speak with the princess during the festivities. I will be working part time at the event, so I know I will get a chance to speak with her. Perhaps Raven can work in the palace as an apprentice." Hank told his wife as she grumbled into his chest.

"She may not be our little girl anymore, but she will always be our child. Working in the palace would be a great opportunity for her." Clair grumbled as Hank chuckled softly. She pouted up at him as he gently caressed her cheek with a thumb.

"Let's get some sleep. We can get the rest of the story from Raven in the morning. Then we will send you after the culprits." Hank murmured, kissing her adorable nose.

"Me? Why not you? You're the one with a sword." Clair asked walking with him back to their bedroom.

"Because when it comes to Raven, you are far scarier than I am. Sword, or no sword." Hank teased as she chuckled tiredly. "Everything will be alright. You will see, my beautiful wife." Hank purred as he tucked her in.

Clair smiled at him sleepily before snuggling into his arms and drifting to sleep. Hank grinned at his wife as he laid awake lost in thought. He considered the young girl that had led him to his daughter. The more he went over the evidence in his mind, the more, he was sure. Rosila had been the one to lead him there.

"Old friend, your troubles are beginning to haunt me." Hank murmured as he fell asleep, dreaming of the past. 

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