The Hounds Part 1

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(Warning: This chapter contains content that might not be suitable for all readers. Abuse and rape are mentioned)

Coleron huffed closing the mirror roughly. Damn spoiled brat. If he wasn't getting paid with his life, he would have killed the arrogant prince years ago. Coleron glanced at the bed, deciding he was in too fowl of a mood to sleep. He stood up, buckling his pants as he left the room.

They lived in the caves just outside of the Salvino border wall. Hidden in the forest that was too far away from the kingdom of Trayson to be considered any threat. At one time, druids ruled the plants and would have caused him a great many problems. However, there was only one druid left and she wasn't much of a power.

Coleron wandered through the tunnel systems, pausing when he entered their makeshift rec hall. Darla and Evan were fighting with each other over the bears Darla kept as pets making Coleron sigh.

He used his empty mug to tap on the stone wall, causing a sharp ringing sound to echo through the damp chamber. The other two flinched, backing away from each other and giving their leader their full attention.

"Col, your night didn't last long." Darla snickered as Evan smacked him.

"No, it didn't. I got a call from our benefactor. He wants us to make a trip to Trayson when that brat comes back." Coleron growled as the other two frowned. They shared a mutual dislike for the prince. Being tied to his whims pissed them off, but they couldn't say no to the man that owned them.

"You mean if the brat comes back. You have been sending him on more dangerous and reckless missions over time. Not even I would have done this last one alone." Evan hissed as he pushed his greasy hair out of his face.

Evan was the tallest out of the group, reaching almost seven feet in height. He was thin and always had a snake like vibe to him. Darla was his opposite. Trying to reach five feet for most of his life. He was dry and flaky, constantly covered in dirt and dust.

"It's almost like you are trying to kill him off now that he is useless to us." Darla snickered as Coleron rolled his eyes.

"I'm getting too old to be doing every little job that needs to be done. If Korbin wants to earn his place among us, he needs to play his part. His pet on the other hand..." Coleron growled at the bottom of his cup. Evan growled too as Darla began to pace in a tight circle.

"That damn little rat is trying to poison you again! You would have thought the last few failed attempts would have made him consider otherwise." Darla spat as Evan nodded in agreement. Coleron had pulled through each time, but he had been sick and weak making Darla and Evan worry over him.

"They are out of control and should be handled. I say we just kill them both and be done with it." Evan growled as Coleron considered it. Evan grumbled to himself as he watched their glorified leader quietly debate it.

Evan couldn't understand what the boss saw in the pair of young assassins. They would be better off dead, but Coleron would have to give up his pretty toy.

"I have an idea. Adam wants us to kill a royal guard in the Trayson kingdom. I say we set the brat up and let them handle it. Let them take the fall and get caught. There is no doubt Korbin will be in rough shape when he returns. Fighting a trained military man might be too much for him. Especially if we put his pet in the same spot." Coleron considered as Evan and Darla grinned evilly.

"Let them hang." Evan agreed as Coleron nodded.

"Well, I better go have my fun while I can." Coleron grunted as the other two egged him on. Coleron pouted as he worked his way to the runt's apartment, sure he would be hiding away from the others. He wasn't sure what Quinn's game was with the poison. Not that he cared. He would be living long after that boy took his last breath.

* * * * * * *

The only light seeping into the small space was through the crack under the door. Quinn had been there for days watching the light slowly pulse with time. He shifted slightly listening to the chains around his neck groan from the movement.

He yearned for the sun, but if she was there, Quinn was satisfied sitting in the dark alone. He tried to stretch his cramped legs whining softly to himself as the small space restricted his movements. It had been a closet at one time. Now it was simply his prison.

Someone moved on the other side of the door and Quinn shuttered when he heard another boy cry and beg. Once he had gotten too old for his mother's friends, she locked him up and started collecting others in his place.

They never lasted as long as he did, though Quinn often wished he could follow the children when they left. He wasn't sure where they went, they just weren't there anymore.

The child began to cry making Quinn feel guilty that he found comfort in their sorrow. It meant he wasn't alone. There was someone else with him here in hell. Quinn leaned against the wall, watching the light dance on his dirty feet as the monster dragged the child around the room. Maybe the sun would finally forget him, leaving him in complete darkness.

Someone hit his wall making him jerk awake. Panic set in making his heart race wildly in his chest. He was terrified she was coming for him. When nothing else happened, Quinn settled down, listening to her as she spoke. He didn't understand her rage as she slipped between screaming and begging. Repeatedly banging on his prison door.

Suddenly a second voice cut over top of hers, but this voice was low and menacing. Quinn hesitated, leaning forward, listening to them converse. Maybe his father had finally come home. Something snapped inside as Quinn decided he wanted to be free.

He wanted to see the sun. Feel it on his skin. He pulled on the chains as he softly beat on the door. He was so weak and tired. Being starved for days at a time. Suddenly the shouting increased, and Quinn worried that his father would never find him over her screams. He tried to make a sound around the gag in his mouth as he continued to beat on the wooden door.

A hollow sound filled his space, before something hit his door hard. It warped suddenly under the pressure smacking his delicate hands. He whimpered softly pulling them into his chest. They were bloody and bruised, but luckily not broken.

He had dealt with broken bones before, so he knew what to expect. Panting stressed, he listened to the noise outside of his prison. Silence. No, no, no, no! His father couldn't leave him. Not again. Not with her!

Quinn clawed at the wood desperately begging to be free. He paused when he realized the sun no longer lit his small space. Not that there was anything to see. Quinn sobbed quietly against the door, hesitating when he heard a noise on the other side. His father was still there!

Quinn knew he wasn't loud enough and tried to throw his body against the door. THUD. It wasn't a loud noise, but it was something. Quinn continued to throw himself against the door, ignoring the pain in his body. He began to slow, jumping when someone spoke.

"Hello? Is someone there?" The stranger asked clearly. He had to be close. Quinn paused knowing it wasn't his father, but someone different. Not that he cared as long as it wasn't her. Quinn hit the wall weakly, listening to the stranger grunt as they moved something heavy.

Light flooded back into his space through the crack making Quinn sob relieved. Quinn got an idea, sliding his fingers under the door. Jumping startled when something grabbed them. The stranger chuckled softly making Quinn sit frozen as he listened to the stranger talk.

"It's okay. I got you. I won't leave without you." He muttered making Quinn lean against the wall weakly. He must have passed out again, jumping when light flooded the room and he laid eyes on the stranger for the first time. "Found you." He murmured with a soft smile. His bright red hair pulled out of his freckled face and golden eyes. You finally found me.

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