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Chapter 15

What the fuck? Is the only thought Atlas can manage after the shitstorm of the day he just had.

Nowhere was safe anymore.

The city.

The woods.

Everywhere belonged to the dead.

That night it seemed like nobody slept. Some tried but would re-emerge from their tents a while later not having slept and just as tired. Atlas corralled Paxton to their tent after he put Carl to bed in the RV along with the other kids. Dale said "they'll be safe in there." He was using logic- its easier to gaurd one place instead of multiple tents. Paxton didn't feel right being excited over having Shadow back. The camp was destroyed.

Surviors guilt was hitting him hard. So many good people died tonight.

Atlas and Paxton finally got a chance to themselves in their tent after making sure everybody was safe. The moment Atlas finished zipping the tent paxton wanted to break down but felt like he couldn't. "I missed you so much Attie. I was really worried about you."

"I was worried about you baby. Look what happened here. When we was coming up the hill and heard screams I tought the worst was happening and it was."

"Why does everything always go wrong?"

Atlas could see the love of his life breaking down slowly so he crawled over and laid down with him, "I dont know. I wish I did so I could stop it. I do know we're gonna be okay though. You hear me?" Paxton nodded mumbling back an 'i love you'.

A few hours later the couple decided to get up. They just laid there with each other. Paxton felt weak, he couldn't find the strength to say any of the things he wanted to. Atlas was growing worried, he thought about his family. Time was passing so slow. Getting up was the only thing they could do. The sun wasn't up yet though. They couldn't lay there anymore. They both felt like they needed to do something, anything besides laying there looking at the grey tarp roof. After they got changed out of their bloody clothes they emerged and threw the dirty ones in the fire- they couldn't be saved.

Paxton led them toward the RV to check on Carl and Shadow before they went to find a seat near the firepit to wait on everybody else and the daylight.

A little while later and most of the surviving camp members were up. Atlas thought he should be doing something as Daryl was making sure the walkers were put down and Glenn and Tdog were sorting them into piles. He was sitting against a log with Paxton leaning against his chest. Pax had just dozed off and Atlas wanted him to get the rest because he truly needed it, his injuries were almost healed- he just needed a few more days. When Rick came off the hilltop and spoke it caused him to sartle awake.

"She still won't move?"

Lori speaks making Atlas want to roll his eyes, "She won't even talk to us. She's been there all night. What do we do?" He cant help but think 'Of course shes not speaking she just witnessed her sister get partially eaten. We let her grieve and then deal with it.'

"Can't just leave Amy like that. We need to deal with it same as the others."

Paxton's groggy from just waking up but quickly realizes whats going on, "she hasn't put her down yet?" is whispered to Atlas and a soft 'no' is the answer he gets with rub on his back for comfort.

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