Chapter 1

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Bakugo's POV
I got up and saw my kitten on the edge of my bed. What is if she fucking fell off?!? So dangerous. I know it's weird but I really love my kitten. I rather talk to my pet instead of actual people. My kitten's name is Ikuyo. She has green eyes and grey and white fur. She's adorable. I grumble and pick her up from the edge of the bed. I sit her on my bed. I begged Aizawa to let me bring her to the dorms.

I got in my uniform and walked to the common room with Ikuyo. "So cute." I mumble to Ikuyo. Shes such an adorable fucking kitty! "Good morning Bakubro!" Says a familiar loud voice. I cover my kitten's ears. "Shut up shitty hair!" I growl and uncover her ears. "You treat her like she's a person. She's never gonna say cuss words. She's not gonna understand when you cuss Bakugo." Icy-hot comments.

Ikuyo stretches out on my lap and crawls to my shoulder. I just give Icy-hot the finger and scratch Ikuyo's ear. She purrs. "Morning Kacchan." The nerd says happily. Ikuyo puts her paw on Deku's hand. "Tch. Whatever damn nerd." I grumble and he fast walks away. "Come on Ikuyo. I gotta take you back to my dorm until after I get out of class." I say getting up with Ikuyo on my shoulder.

I put her in my dorm and shut the door. I made some eggs and bacon for myself because why fucking not. I ate and went to go put my plate in the sink. Why are there so many dishes?!? Fucking extras can't clean?!? I groaned and did the dishes. I aggressively shove my hands in my pocket and walked angrily with my shoulders slouched.

"Ah. Bakugo. Just who I needed to see." I plopped down at my seat. "Today you and Midoriya will be taking care of Eri. Taking her fun places and make her laugh and smile." Aizawa said cringing a bit as I did the same. "WHY?" I raged. "Try not to yell. You'll scare her. Treat her like you treat Ikuyo. Don't cuss in front of her. Also try not be too rude to Midoriya." I silently raged.

Why would I have to take of Eri?? Isn't she always with the nerd anyway?? "It would be a good bonding experience. You'll finally learn to get along with Midoriya." I bang my head against my desk. Why me? I couldn't even focus on the rest of class. I'm definitely taking Ikuyo with me. She'll keep me at peace. I smiled at the thought of Ikuyo.

"Class dismissed." I hurriedly get out of class. "Bakugo. You forgot about Eri." Eri popped up from behind Aizawa. I couldn't groan. I really do enjoy children. I wanna have a family some day I just don't really know why anybody would love me. That's why I love Ikuyo so much. She warms up to me even if she is just a cat. Deku was standing next to me and taking to Eri. I don't know what to talk about with her. She likes candy apples and shit but that's all I know. We walk out of the classroom and into the common room.

"Hey Eri. You don't have to be scared. He's just Kacchan. He's surprisingly nice to children so he'll like you a lot." I heard Deku say. Stupid nerd. I went to go get Ikuyo out of my dorm. I brought her to the common room with Eri and her eyes lit up. "Can I touch her Mr. Kacchan?" She asked. Now I'm gonna have two people walking around calling me Kacchan. I nod and give the cat to her. Ikuyo purrs in her touch. I crack a small smile at the sight. Those two are adorable. I heard a camera click and Shitty hair laughing.

Eri has pretty long hair. I took half of her hair and start to braid it. Her and Izuku were talking. She looked at her hair and smiled. "Wow! How did you do that Mr. Kacchan!?" She asked excitedly. Adorable. The cat crawled on her shoulder and played with the braid. I got on the side of her hair the wasn't braided. "Like this." I said taking three strands of hair and crossing them into a braid. She took it apart and did it by herself. "Perfect!" I said and she gave me a small smile.

Round face and Icy-hot walked in. "Ura! Look what Mr. Kacchan taught to do!" She said excitedly while holding up her braids. She's so adorable. "Wow! You did this all by yourself? Mr. *giggle* Kacchan taught you how to? So cool!" I shot her a glare. I'm not making an exception for her. "Bakugo is being nice? Wow. Never thought I'd see that." "How could you be mean to something so adorable?" I mutter. "Bakugo has feelings other than anger?" Icy-hot says. I sting in my chest. I mean of course I do. Do I really act that bad?

I sit down on the couch and look down gripping my knees. Ikuyo crawled over to me. Somebody who brings me comfort. I smile at Ikuyo and scratch her ears. This cat was all beaten up in some ally way. How could somebody be so cruel. Ikuyo is such a cute kitten. Why would somebody wanna do something like that?

I looked over and Icy-hot and Deku were talking and blushing. Geez. I covered Eri's ears. "If you guys are gonna fucking flirt, do it somewhere else." I grumble uncovering her ears. I feel a poke at my side. Izuku and Todoroki are still talking and blushing. "Yes Eri?" I ask.

"Do you have candy apples?" "I do. But I'm sure you have to eat before you eat sweets. Do you like katsudon?" "Mhm!" "After you eat katsudon then you can have a candy apple. Is that alright?" I ask and she shakes her head excitedly. "Alrighty! I'm gonna go make some katsudon in the kitchen. If you need anything you can ask me or Deku." She nods and starts playing with Ikuyo.

Shitty hair walked over to me. "I never knew you were so good with children! Do you mind babysitting when I have kids?" He asks. "Yes. Then I'll have kids of my own." I replied with a scowl.

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