Chapter 17

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The boys woke up in each other's arms. "Morning Deku." "Go away Kacchan." "We have school today." "Go away." "Alright." Bakugo started tickling Deku. "Pfffft. Kacchan! HAHAHAAA S pfft stop. Kacchan! HAHAHA STOP IM GONNA PISS! HAHAHAHAAAAHHAAHAHAHA."

Unfortunately Bakugo couldn't hear, he was too concentrated on tickling Deku. "HAHAHAHA aaaahahhh!" Deku accidentally pissed himself. "I told you to stop! You made me piss!" Deku said while hiding his face in his hands. He was crying of embarrassment.

"Deku. We can just clean it up. It isn't a big deal." "It's embarrassing." "It's not like it happened in front of everybody. It only happened in front of me. I won't judge you." Bakugo says trying to comfort Deku.

"Hmph. I have to take a shower. I'm disgusting now." "Peeing is natural Deku." "Not in your pants it isn't!" There was a moment of silence. Both boys burst out in laughter until Deku starts crying again. "Okay okay. I'll wash the sheets while you shower okay?" "Okay." Deku says as he pecks Bakugo's cheek. Deku put his clothes with the sheets while Bakugo went to wash the sheets.


"Washing the sheets? You two already had sex?" Kirishima asks Bakugo when he sees him washing the sheets. "No. I can't tell you why I have to wash them though."

"You guys are interesting. Every time there is a situation where it makes it seem like you were/are having sex you guys say you didn't but you can't tell us what you were actually doing."

"I guess when you put it that way it does seem true. But like I said, Deku and I didn't have sex." Bakugo replied. "Whatever you say." Kirishima said while walking out.

Bakugo saw the clock and it read 8:56. "Dammit. Why can't I ever be on time!?!" He yelled to himself. He walked to his dorm and put in his uniform. He grabbed his bag and walked to class.

"Ah. Bakugo. You're late, care to explain?" Aizawa asked as soon as Bakugo entered the class. "I had to wash some sheets." He shrugged.

"Bakugo! This school doesn't permit any sexual activity!" Iida said while scolding Bakugo and waving his hands around. "I didn't do anything sexual four eyes."

"Then what we're you doing?" Kaminari asked with a smirk. "I can't tell you." He shrugged again while sitting down. "Mm." The class said while rolling their eyes except Deku.


"Class dismissed." Everybody rushed out of class. Deku and Bakugo walked to the common room together. "Sooo.." Uraraka said trying to start conversation with the two boys. "Hm?" Deku asks.

"What was that sleeping thing?" "Eh?" "The video of you and Bakugo." "Oh. I don't know."

"Well it's obviously something." Uraraka said while getting out of her chair.

"It's nothing though. I don't know why you're so concerned about it anyway." Deku said while sitting up straight and crossing his arms. "As your friend I should be able to know."

"You're my friend correct? You should be able to understand when I don't wanna tell you anything." Deku said while rolling his eyes. Bakugo was just sitting watching the two bicker.

"You know I'm not about to deal with attitude right now. Bye." She said while walking away.

"That's fine. I'm not bout to keep barkin' at a bitch that ain't bout to do nothin." Deku yelled while Bakugo chuckled.

"Deku is sassy!" Mina said. "She needs to mind business." Deku mumbled. 'He looked so hot' Bakugo thought. Bakugo got up. "Where are you going?" "To my dorm." "Can I come?" Deku asked. "I guess." Bakugo said while him and Deku walked to his dorm.

"That was weird. Bakugo doesn't even let us in his dorm." Kaminari said. "Yeah." Kirishima said.


"Stupid Deku." Bakugo said while aggressively pushing his face into Deku's neck. "Clingy." Deku chuckled while ruffling Bakugo's hair. They went to lay down on the bed. Deku wrapped his arms around Bakugo and gave him a peck on the lips. "Give me another one." Bakugo demanded. "Hehe. Okay." Deku said giving him another peck. "That's better." Bakugo said while snuggling into Deku.

"I'm tired." "You're always so sleepy Deku. You should really go to bed earlier." "Shush. I'm gonna go to sleep now if you stop talking."

"Rude." Bakugo huffed while turning away from Deku. "Okay. I'm sorry. Let's go to sleep." Bakugo turned back around shoved his head into Deku's chest. Deku soon heard snores from his... what were they?

Deku kissed the top of Bakugo's head and fell asleep.


Deku woke up to his... whatever they were,  sweating and crying.

"Please don't jump Deku. I need you." He kept mumbling in his sleep. "I need you. Please. Don't jump." His 'boyfriend' mumbled again. "Kacchan wake up!" "Please." Deku hit Bakugo with a pillow and that woke him up. "Deku." Bakugo said while crying.

"I had a nightmare. You took a swan dive off the roof like I told you to in middle school. Please don't ever take a swan dive off the roof. I didn't mean it. I don't want you to. Please don't. Don't leave me."

"Kacchan! I'm gonna take a swan dive off the roof. I know you didn't mean it. I won't leave you anytime soon." Bakugo cried a little less.

Izuku's POV
"Sigh. Let's go get some fruit snacks." I said. He slowly nodded. I wiped his tears and we walked to the common room. The Bakusquad was sleep on the couch. I grabbed some fruit snacks for Kacchan. He was still crying a bit. "Hey. Look at me." Kacchan didn't look up. "Kacchan look at me." Nothing. "Kacchan I'm not gonna ask you again." He lifted his head up. There were tears rolling down his face. I gave him a peck on the lips.

"It was just a dream Kacchan. None of that is gonna happen in real life. I'm not gonna take a swan dive off a roof." I said to Kacchan looking him in the eyes.

"I'm sorry for middle school." He said. "Kacchan. You already told me sorry and I forgave you. You don't have to keep saying it." I chuckled. I gave him another peck. "Now stop crying, you look ugly." I giggled.

I wiped his tears once again and we walked back to bed. Kacchan snuggled into me and I wrapped my arms around him. He's a big baby sometimes. He gave me a peck on the lips and I giggled.

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