Chapter 6

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Bakugo's POV
"Mina. I think you should take Eri. Bakugo is scaring her." Icy-hot said.

"Sorry Eri." I said and she said 'it's okay.' Mina stopped walking.

"Kacchan. Can you watch a movie with me please?" It pains me to say no to her.

"I'm sorry Eri. I'm gonna go to sleep." I say walking to my dorm.

Nobody cares about me. I guess I did make it that way.

I drifted off to sleep.

Later I woke up and checked the time. 4:25. Oh well. I guess I'll have a nice early morning snack. I walked in the common room and Deku and Todoroki were still up. I walked past them and found some Doritos. Yum.

I tried not to crunch too loud but they heard me anyway. They turned around.

"What?" I ask confused. I grab some monster.

Daily reminder: Everybody hates you. Nobody cares about you.

I dropped my chips and my breath hitched.

Pathetic. Imagine letting voices in your head take control of you.

I know.

Look over in common room. The person you hated and now love. It looks like he's loving somebody else.

I can't breathe. How many toes do I have?

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Ten toes. I finally can breathe again. I pick up my chips. I don't think I can eat anymore. I threw the chips away.

Then my stomach growls. "Dammit." I'll just hold out until breakfast.

Today is a Ella Mai day. I put in my earphones and start singing and dancing.

Izuku's POV
Kacchan was singing and dancing. I nudged Todo and pointed to Kacchan. He chuckled.

"Feelings. So deep in my feelings. No this ain't really like me. Can't control my anxiety." He sang. Boo'd up huh? "How many ways can I say that I need you? Baby it's true. I think I might die without you."

"Now I'll never get over you until I find something new. To get me high like you do."

He's kind of adorable this way. Stop.

Kirishima and Kaminari popped in. I guess we're all insomniacs.

Bakugo's POV
I stopped dancing when I got a call. Who and why? I looked and saw it was Sakura.

I answered.



"Yeah? Did you call for a reason? I was in the middle of a song."

"I'm sorry about yesterday."

"It's alright. I guess I do tend to push people away when they're trying to help me. I guess it's a habit."

"It's alright. That's all I was calling for right now."

"Okay bye."

"Bye katsu." She hung up. I groaned. Why am I like this?

"You good?" Kirishima asked. The fuck?

I got another call. Is it Sakura again. I looked at it and saw a contact named 'Old man.'

No fucking way. I put my phone up to Kirishima's face. "What does that say?"

"It says 'Old man.'"

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