Chapter 16

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Bakugo was walking a bit better now, with the help of Deku. "Hey Deku. You never broke up with Todoroki." "Yeah. I'm doing it today." Deku replied. Right on time, Todoroki walked in.

"Todoroki. We're done." Was all Deku said. "What!? Why!?" "You had sex with Momo. I heard and saw her in those skimpy clothes in your bed." Deku growls. "Okay. That's all now." He said smiling and went to Bakugo's dorm with Bakugo.

They laid on Bakugo's bed.

Izuku's POV
Kacchan was playing with my hair. I turned around to face him. "Hi." I said while smiling. "Hey." He said in a husky voice. I blushed. He's so cute. I think I do like Kacchan a lot. Out of nowhere Kacchan pecked me on the lips. "Kacchan!?! Why did you do that!?!" I asked flustered. "I'm sorry." He said looking down.

"Don't apologize you idiot! I guess I liked it." I said looking down. I could feel him smirking at me. "You did?" He asked. I looked up at him and nodded. He kissed me and I melted into the kiss. I let go. "You idiot." I grumbled.

"Kacchan. I don't really want to rush into a relationship. I'm not ready."

"I know. That's okay. I waited while you dated Icy-hot. I could wait a little longer." "Thank you." He gave me a peck on the lips. "Also can you not tell anyone about this? I don't want anybody to think I'm a slut." "Sigh. You shouldn't care what people think but okay Deku."

I scooted closer to Kacchan on the bed and he wrapped his arms around me. "Mm." I hummed in satisfaction.

"Why do I like you so much?" Kacchan asked. "I don't know. I'm amazing I guess." I smiled into his chest. His stupid awesome makes him warmer than normal.

Nobody's POV

The two boys were holding each other in silence. Bakugo was showering Deku with kisses. Now that he has Deku he can't help it. Cute. There was a knock at his door. "Go away!" He yelled. "Kacchan don't be mean." "It's Todoroki. I need to talk to Izuku."

"No. Don't call me Izuku. Go back to calling me Midoriya." Deku yelled. Bakugo held onto Deku protectively. Todoroki then left. "Kacchan. I can take care of myself." "I don't care." Deku huffed at Bakugo and turned away.

"Don't be that way dammit." "Hmph." Deku said while turning back around. "That's better." Bakugo smirked while pulled Deku closer to him again. "You're an idiot Deku." "You're a dumbass." "Whatever."

"Let's go in the common room." Bakugo said to Deku. Ikuyo jumped on the two. "Don't worry you can come with us Ikuyo." Bakugo said. He was about to get my Deku turned around. His butt accidentally rubbed against Bakugo's cock making him hard. "Ah~" Deku quickly jumped off of Bakugo. Bakugo pants were tight. "I'm sorry Kacchan!" Deku yelled. "Sigh. That's alright Deku. I'll be right back." Bakugo said getting up and waking uncomfortably to the shower.

"Dammit. I shouldn't always get so turned on." Bakugo said as he turned on two sinks and the shower and flushed the toilet. He started to jerk off. "Ahh~ Deku~ Mm~ just like that~" Bakugo moaned as he went faster. A dirty image of Deku and him saying some erotic words made Bakugo cum. "Aaaahhhh~" He groaned and started to clean up. "I shouldn't have came that fast." He said disappointed in himself. He finished cleaning and went down to the common room.

Deku looked away from Bakugo because he didn't think Bakugo wouldn't talk to him anymore.

"Hey. Deku get in the kitchen." Deku quickly got up and followed Bakugo.

"Stop overthinking shit. I'm not gonna stop talking to you. It wasn't your fault. Don't you dare think about avoiding me." Bakugo said roughly pulling Deku into a hug. "Oh okay." Deku said while hugging back. They let go and went to the couch.

Everybody was speechless. Bakugo never willingly hugs anyone. Bakugo fell asleep on Deku and Deku had his head on top of Bakugo's while he was sleeping.

"Look." Kaminari whispered. The Bakusquad and Dekusquad and Todoroki looked at the two sleeping boys. Todoroki was jealous. That should be him. Everybody took pictures except Todoroki. Deku wrapped his arms around Bakugo in his sleep. Bakugo wrapped his hands around Deku in his sleep. "Stupid Deku." Bakugo mumbled in his slumber. 'Good thing I was taking a video' Mina thought to herself.

Todoroki was fuming. Everybody left the common room after awhile except the Bakusquad.

Bakugo began to stir. He woke up and realized he had his hands around Deku. He didn't even notice the Bakusquad in the room. "Wake up Deku." Bakugo said while shaking the greenie. The green haired boy just grumbled and stayed in his position. "Sigh." Bakugo said while sighing deeply.

"Help! Help! Deku I need your help! HELP ME!" Deku immediately woke up. "I am here!" Then he looked at Bakugo.

"Kacchan! I thought you needed something. You're annoying." The greenie grumbled while getting off of Bakugo.

"Whatever. Your head was smushing my spikes anyway." Bakugo said fixing his hair.

"Oh yeah? Your big arm was hurting my shoulder."

"You're the one who has nightmares, and to me you seemed pretty comfortable." Bakugo shrugged. "You have them too!"

"Hello?? We're here too." Mina said while waving her arm around. Bakugo turned around tiredly. "Oh. We're in the common room." He said while trying to cover up the fact that he was panicking.

"We're where?" Deku asked while getting off of Bakugo. "Common room." Bakugo repeated. "Oh... What!?" "Cool it." Bakugo groaned. "Did you sleep well Bakugo?" Kaminari asked with a smirk. "Shut it dunce face." Bakugo grumbled.

"I'm going to my dorm." "I'm coming." Bakugo said while standing up. Deku huffed. Deku walked to his dorm and Bakugo followed.

Meanwhile Mina was too busy sending the video she took of them to the class 1-A group chat.

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