Chapter 11

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Izuku's POV
"Oh Come in Kacchan." I said letting him in. He walked in and sat on my bed. I felt hot tears sliding down my face. I was pulled into a hug. "I don't know why they think I would do that." I cried. "Mhm." Kacchan hummed. "I thought they were my friends." He started rubbing my back.

My cries turned to sniffles. "Thank you Kacchan. We should go back to Eri." He nodded. He opened the door and I limped out. We finally made it to the common room where everybody was. Why can't they leave. Eri was talking to Uraraka. "Deku and Kacchan!" She said jumping on me. "Eri that hurts." I hissed.

"Sorry." She said and got off me. I just smiled. She got her iPad and sat between me and Kacchan.

"Why does it hurt?" Todoroki asked suspiciously. Kacchan looked at me. "Wanna go to recovery girl?" He mouthed. "No." I mouthed back. "It's nothing." I said while Kasumi came out of nowhere and laid on my lap. "It's obviously something, you're limping. Was Bakugo that rough during sex?" Todoroki asked. The hell? Kacchan put headphones on Eri.

"That's not it." I sighed. "My leg is just sore. That's it." I sighed again. "So he was rough. What if I had sex with Momo?" He asked. "I would be pissed just like I am now. I already told you I didn't have sex with anybody." I said in a low voice.

Nobody's POV

"But the thing is, you did." Jirou said. Bakugo was getting more pissed by the second. The groups were looking at the boys suspiciously. Bakugo was now impatiently tapping his foot. "We weren't having sex. I can't tell you what we were doing because I am not ready." Izuku said while trying to find his next words.

He put his finger up to his chin and contemplated what to say next. "That's it." The greenette said as his phone started ringing. "Hey mom!" He said while walking out of the room. Bakugo stopped tapping his foot and went to his phone also. He missed a call from his sister. He called her back and she picked up.

"Finally." She said when she answered. "Shut up Sakura. Why did you call?" "To check on my favorite brother of course!" "I'm your only brother Sakura." The blonde said while rolling his eyes though she couldn't see him.

"Did you tell your sister you've been fucking people's boyfriends?" Todoroki yelled.

"You've been what?" "Sigh. These damn extras think me and Iz- Deku fucked." "Was he good? Were you bottom? The Katsuki bakugo a bottom!?" "Chill. Me and Deku didn't fuck. I was helping him with something. This commotion will only be cleared up once he's ready to tell these damn extras about what happened." "Well what happened?" "I can't tell you. Also, I'm not a fucking bottom you bugged eyed bastard!" His sister just started laughing on the other side of the line. "Whatever you say. Shindo is calling me though. I gotta go. Bye love you!"

"Whatever love you too I guess." The blonde hung up. He got up and walked towards the kitchen. The common room and kitchen are connected so everybody can see him from the common room. "Hey auntie!" Bakugo said. Deku put his mom on speaker. "Hey brat! Hey Kacchan!" "Hey ma." "Did you hear that? He called me ma." The blonde's mom said.

"Tch. Don't get used to it." Bakugo grabbed a fruit snack and walked back to the couch. "That wasn't normal." Uraraka said. Deku came out of the kitchen. "Hey Kacchan? Can we train together? I wanna try my new shoot style ok you." "Whatever. You're gonna lose." The blonde said to the greenette.

"Let's go now! Mina can you watch Eri? Thank you." The greenette said while dragging the blonde to the sparing room. It had windows so anybody could see in case a fight got out of hand.

Bakugo tried to hit Deku with a left hook but it didn't work. Deku dodged it and landed a punch on Bakugo's cheek. Bakugo blasted Deku in the face so he couldn't see from the light, grabbed his hand and flipped him on his back. Deku kicked bakugo with 5% in the thigh. "Fuck." Bakugo groaned.

There 10 minutes of painful kicks and blasts. "I will not lose to you damn nerd." Bakugo said while flipping Deku on his back and putting a foot on his wrists. "1 2 3 4 5." Bakugo smirked. Bakugo was on top of Deku, sitting on his stomach so he couldn't move and his foot on one wrist with a knee on the other one.

"Looks like I win stupid Deku. Deku was looking up at the crimson eyes staring back at him. "I would ask for a rematch but I'm tired."

"You should be. I was trying to avoid hitting your thigh. You can't give your all when you have an injury." Bakugo commented still on top of Deku.


"Are they seriously doing this in the sparing room?" The groups except Mina asked. Bakugo finally got off of Deku and smirked. "It was surprisingly a challenge for someone who has a bad leg." Bakugo teased. He got a swift smack to the back of the head. "I do not have a bad leg!" The green haired boy pouted.

"Whatever. Look the extras came to see us spar. We're celebrities." Bakugo said pointing to the groups and rolling his eyes.

Todoroki was fuming. They walked out the sparing room. "So. What was that?" Uraraka asked. "It was sparing." Bakugo said while walking to the shower with Deku behind him.

The boys showered and went back to Eri where the groups were discussing them. "I do not have a bad leg!" The green haired pouted again. "Whatever floats your boat Deku." They both plopped down on the couch next to Eri. "Hey Kacchan and Deku." Eri said a bit tired. "Sleepy?" Bakugo asked and Eri nodded. Deku out her iPad away and Eri snuggled in with Bakugo.

"She could be your daughter. She has red eyes and acts like you." "But her eyes are big and her face is a bit round." Bakugo mumbled. "What's that supposed to mean?" I asked offended. "My face isn't round!" "Whatever you say..." Bakugo mumbled and soon fell asleep with Eri.

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