Chapter 3

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Izuku's POV
We finally made it to the mall. "Hey Eri. Go with Mina and Ura. We'll meet you in a little bit." She nods. "Bye Mr. Kacchan. Mr. Sho and Mr. Deku!" She says while going to Mina and Ura. Kacchan literally runs to a near by plushie store. What's he doing? He came out with a big brown bear and a giant unicorn. He was holding them. And then he turned around quickly turned around. He sped up his walking again.

Suddenly arms wrapped around my waist. "Todoooo."

Bakugo's POV
"Todoooo." Deku says. Gross. "Can you two shut up?!? If you wanna do that shit go somewhere else!" I yelled. My stomach is churning. I quickly run to the nearest bathroom. When I tried to throw up, nothing came out.

What is this feeling?

Is this like constipation but with throw up?

I run a hand through my hair and I walk out the bathroom. I looked around for the plushies and they weren't there. Deku had them. "Kacchan! We held the plushies for you so nobody took them." I sighed deeply and take them. "Not even a thank you?" Icy-hot asked. "You can't be serious?" I say looking at him with a tired face.

"I don't look like I'm kidding."

"How am I supposed to know. You never show any emotion on your face anyway." I say rolling my eyes.

"Don't be an ass." Icy-hot said. I look at him as my pupils shrink. Katsuki. Just walk away.

I turned to walk away. "Eri. Could've popped up out of nowhere and she could've been scared of you. You can't yell at Icy-hot and Deku because their couple shit is annoying as hell." I say trying to convince myself that I'm doing the right thing.

Eri seemed to have liked my iPad. Maybe I should buy her one. I ran past Deku and Icy-hot to the apple store.

I bought her the iPad and a pastel blue case like her hair. I also bought her a screen protector because you have to have one.

I can't believe I'm spending all my money on her. She's adorable though and Ikuyo likes her so why not. I saw Eri, Mina, and Round face  with Deku and Icy-hot. "Hey Eri. Come here." I said and she came to me. "I got you some stuffed animals and you seemed to like my iPad so I bought you one and I downloaded games on there for you." I saw taking out the iPad. "Wow! Thank you so much Mr. Kacchan! I really love it."

"You're welcome. You can play on it when we get back to UA. But for now you can have your stuffed animals." I say and happily takes the stuffed animals.

"Hey! Mr. Kacchan bought me an iPad and stuffed animals. He's holding the iPad though." She said to Mina.


I walked over to them. "You're just spoiling her." Round face said. "How can you not spoil somebody who is so adorable." I mutter. "I knew you had a soft spot for cute things!" Mina chuckled and I just rolled my eyes.

Izuku's POV
We were walking behind Kacchan and Eri. They're really close and they only just met each other today! "Todo. I feel really bad for not getting Eri anything. Kacchan has been buying stuff for her and making her smile and I haven't done anything."

"Well. What do you want to get her?" "I don't know. Maybe we can play games and watch movies with her when we get back to UA." "Okay."

We finally made it back to UA. "Hey Bakubro! How was taking care of Eri?" "It was good actually. I bought her an iPad and some stuffed animals." Kacchan said. "What!?" Kaminari asked. "Would you buy me an iPad?" He asked with puppy dog eyes. "No."

"Hey Eri? Wanna watch a movie and play games?" "Mhm!" She nodded. Ikuyo crawled over to Eri. "Hi Ikuyo." She said scratching its ears as it sat in her lap. Kacchan snapped a picture. "Wanna watch the Lorax?" "Yes please!" She said happily. Adorable.

She sat on the couch between me and Todo while Kacchan's kitten was in her lap. I put on the Lorax and Kacchan sat on the couch next to me. He put the picture of Eri as his screen saver.

Half way through the movie every thing went black.

Bakugo's POV
I felt a head on my shoulder. I saw a sleeping Deku. Sigh. I could see Icy-hot staring at me from out the corner of my eye. I've never touched the nerds hair. I ruffled it slightly and pushed his head off of me and onto Todoroki.

I look over at Icy-hot and he glared at me. I just shrugged and Ikuyo bit Icy-hot's finger. I struggled to hold back a laugh. I scratched Ikuyo's ears and she purred and curled up in Eri's lap. Cute.

The Lorax was over. I put on 'Big hero 6.' Eri fell asleep. Adorable.

"Don't do that again." Icy-hot said.

"What?" I asked. I'm genuinely confused.

"Ruffling my boyfriend's hair and letting him sleep on your shoulder."

"The fuck? It's not my fault that your boyfriend's hair is soft. It's also not my fault that your boyfriend fell asleep on my shoulder. If you were sitting next to him maybe he would've leaned to you but he didn't. And he was fucking sleep. He's not even in control!"

Deku starts to stir. I ignore him and continue to glare at Icy-hot and he was glaring back at me. "Mm. What's going on?" Deku asked.

I just shrugged. "You might wanna get your jealous boyfriend before I blow him up. Also tomorrow, chill out with the couple shit. Go somewhere else with that" I said getting up and walking to the fridge.

Deku came to the kitchen. "Hey Kacchan. So I saw some katsudon from Eri's lunch in the fridge and I was just wondering... canihaveit?"

"Yeah. Whatever." I grunted and went to sleep on the couch.

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