Chapter 4

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Todoroki's POV
Izuku took some of the katsudon Bakugo made Eri out of the fridge. I could've cooked for him. I glared at Bakugo. He just looked confused. He pulled out his phone and took a photo with his tank top lifted up.

Oh. Anyhow. I turned to Izuku and he fell asleep at the table. My cute boyfriend. I pick him up and kiss on the forehead.

Bakugo's POV
I cringe at the couple stuff. Could I ever have something like that? Stop it.

-the next day-

Eri was now in my lap with Ikuyo in her lap. I carefully lift her off my lap and go make breakfast. I heard she likes waffles with chocolate chips. She has a real sweet tooth.

"Cooking? You must really enjoy Eri." Sero comments. I nod. Eri woke up. "Morning Eri." I said cheerfully and she smiled. "Good morning Mr. Kacchan." It pains me to say this. "Just call me Kacchan." Kirishima and Kaminari spat out their drinks and Sero choked.

"Kacchan. Are they okay?" Eri asked. "They're fine." I reassured. I picked her up and placed her in the chair so she could eat. "These are really good Kacchan!" She smiled. "Thank you." I said smiling back.

Sero choked again and Kaminari had a bit of trouble swallowing his water.

Kirishima was too stunned to speak.

"Thank you for the food Kacchan. Can you help me out of my seat?" Eri asked. So respectful. I nodded and helped her out the seat.

The cat rubbed up against my ankle and then went to Eri. He must like her a lot. I'm a bit jealous.

Deku started to wake up. "Kacchan do you know where my iPad is?" Eri asked. I got it off the kitchen counter. "Here." I said smiling. "Thank you!" She running to the couch to play fruit ninja.

"How come she gets to call you Kacchan and you don't complain?" Deku pouted. "Fine. You can Call me it." I growled and he smiled. He disgusts me.

My heart tightened.

Am I dying?

"Kacchan? Are you okay?"

"No. I think I'm dying."

"I don't think you're dying."

"Oh. Well go take care of Eri." I said walking to my room with my phone.

I went to Google.

Why is my heart beating fast and my face heating up in front of a certain person.

Heart palpitations.

No. This isn't what I think it is.

How do I know I have a crush on someone?

You think about them constantly.
You get nervous when you're around them.
You want to be around them.

It is. Thank you wikihow.

How do I forget about someone I like when they have a boyfriend?

You can't.

"Fuck." I whisper to myself. I get up and walk back into the common room. Icy-hot and Deku were cuddling. Tears sting my eyes. I quickly run back to my dorm. I open the door, walk in and slam it shut. Hot tears fell down my face.

Hopefully this is just a phase.

I don't want a crush. Let alone a crush on Deku.

8:40. Oh great, I spent my morning crying.

I quickly wash my face and put my uniform on. I grab my bag and walk to class.

"Bakugo are you okay? Your eyes are a bit puffy." Shitty hair asked. I have puffy eyes, do I look okay?

I just groaned. I couldn't stay focused in class once again.

Is this the start of my deep depression?

Yes, yes it was. Every day felt like hell. Eri and Ikuyo only helped a bit. I still felt like shit. I didn't talk to icy-hot or Deku. I just ignored them.

"Kacchan. You have to help me take care of Eri today." I silently followed the damn nerd. I saw Icy-thot give him a peck on the lips. I quickly walked past them. I found Eri playing with Ikuyo like usual.

She was watching YouTube.

"What are you watching?" I asked softly.

"CookieswirlC! There are these toys called Lol dolls!" I chuckled. "Oh okay."

Izuku's POV
Kacchan is weird. He hasn't groaned at anybody or walked with a scowl. His face was emotionless.

I walked over to him. "Kacchan are you okay?" He just acted like I wasn't there. The hell?

Bakugo's POV
I got on social media. Bad idea. I saw a picture of this couple with their children. Then I saw another couple.

I immediately threw the phone across the room. Shit. I can't lash out in front of Eri. I grab the phone and sit back down next to Eri.

"Hey Bakubro!" I groaned.

Ikuyo crawled in my lap. I picked her up and walked to my dorm. "Your turn to take care of Eri." I mumbled not looking Deku's way.

I walked inside my dorm and laid down. I quickly wiped my tears when I heard a knock.

"Kacchan. Will you make me katsudon please?" Every time I hear her call me Kacchan it reminds me of Deku. I nodded as I walked to the kitchen. The Baku squad was in the common room and so was Round face, Deku, and icy-hot. I just ignored them and started cooking.

"So Bakugo. How are you?" Icy-hot asked out of the blue. I didn't say anything.

"Kacchan?" Deku asked. I didn't say anything.

"Dude. I know you hear us." Dunce face said. Don't say anything.

"Kacchan? After I eat can I have another candy apple?" Eri asked. I just can't ignore her she's so adorable.

"Yes, of course." I say in a 'happy' tone.

"Now I'm certain you heard us." Dunce face said.

I turned to them and when I saw Deku laying on Todoroki's shoulder I instantly turned around.

A couple minutes later the katsudon was ready. I helped Eri in and out of her chair like usual.

I went on social media at the kitchen counter. Why do I keep doing this? I say a couple and then I saw another one with them pushing their kids on a swing.

Could I ever have that?

No. The person you want that with is with somebody else. Happily.

I know. It hurts. Every day is pure hell. There is nothing I can do. I feel like I'm suffocating.

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