Chapter 14

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It's been a month since the incident. Bakugo is avoiding everybody once again. "Class dismissed." Aizawa said and everybody hurried out of their seats except Bakugo. He had fallen asleep. "Kacchan. Wake up." Deku said to Bakugo. "I'm awake." He said as soon as he had awoken. He got his stuff together and pushed past Deku. His stomach grumbled. He ignored it and went into the common room.

He was so hungry. He felt his stomach churn. He ran to the nearest trash can and threw up. "Dammit." "Kacchan you need to eat." Deku said standing right next to him. "No I don't." "Sigh. I'm making you more ramen. Go brush your teeth." Bakugo just groaned and did as he was told. He came back with minty fresh breath. Todoroki was once again standing by Deku. It was deja vu to Bakugo. He didn't like it at all. He just sat in his normal sit and looked down.

"Here is your food. Spicy ramen." Deku said and slid the bowl to Bakugo. He ate and tried to ignore the fact that icy-hot had his hands around Deku's waist. He barely ate. He had about 4 bites. He felt full enough. He couldn't help but eat all of it though. For Deku.

"Did you like it!?" Deku asked. "Mhm." Bakugo said trying not to make any small talk with Deku.

Todoroki got a text. He checked his phone and smiled. (Momo.) He thought. "Hey Izuku? I'll be right back." "Okay Todo." Deku smiled.

Todoroki walked to his dorm where Momo was inside wearing skimpy clothes. Bakugo got a real good picture of it too. 'Busted.' He thought.

"Hey Deku? I have something to show you." Bakugo said showing Deku the picture. Deku looked horrified then sad then angry. Then he started crying. "I knew that bastard was no good." Bakugo growled while hugging Deku. "I'm sorry Deku." "It's okay." Deku said into Bakugo's chest.

"Come on. Let's go to my dorm. I know you have your hero notebooks in that backpack. I want to see what you have written down for me." Bakugo said trying to get Deku's mind off of his soon to be ex boyfriend. "Okay! Let's go!" Deku said fake happy. The boys got to Bakugo's dorm which is right next to Todoroki's. We went inside. You could a bed squeaking and moans and groans. Gross. Deku looked down and started to cry.

Bakugo pulled him into a hug. "I know it hurts Deku." Bakugo said while pulling Deku closer. The boy was basically in Bakugo's lap. Deku put his head in Bakugo's neck.

"I thought he liked me. He got mad when I told him I didn't want to have sex yet and I guess having sex with her made him feel better. He didn't actually love me. He was faking it. I'm not able to be loved. Nobody will ever love me." Deku cried into Bakugo's neck. Bakugo was not having that.

"Hey. That is not true Deku. A lot of people love you. You are definitely able to be loved Deku. Todoroki just wasn't the one. Somebody will love you. I know somebody will." Bakugo said while pulling the greenette closer if that was even possible. The noises had stopped. They must be done.

"Hey Deku. Wanna have a little fun before you tell half n half off?" "What's the plan Kacchan?" "Well. We all know how much the half n half bastard hates me. I could purposely flirt with you just to make half n half jealous." Bakugo explained the rest of the plan.


They both went to the common room and Todoroki, Momo, Kirishima, Kaminari, Uraraka and Mina were in there.

Deku was giggling with Kacchan in the kitchen. Everybody was watching them. 'Perfect' they thought. They randomly hugged and stayed there for a nice 2 minutes. They really did like the hug even if it was just to piss Todoroki off the last few hours of his relationship.

"Eri is coming to my room. She said she wants to play my electric guitar. Wanna come nerd?" Bakugo asks in an almost sexy tone.

"Sure! We haven't seen Eri in a while since Aizawa sensai told us we didn't have to watch her anymore. I also haven't seen Ikuyo or Kasumi. Though Kasumi does prefer me over you, which is another reason to love her."

"Sigh. Just come on nerd. I don't have all day~" Bakugo said while looking down at the short greenette. "Well. What are we waiting for? Let's go!" "Eager. We have to wait for Eri." "Oh yeah." Deku smiled up at Bakugo.

"That's enough! Stop flirting with my boyfriend Bakugo!" Todoroki yelled while getting up from his seat and pushing Bakugo. "He's not flirting. He was just asking me to go with him and Eri to his room." "Yeah. We'll have her to supervise us." Bakugo said. "Kacchan!" Deku yelled while smacking Bakugo in the side. "Hey!" Bakugo grumbled.

"I'm coming too." Todoroki said. "You already did." Deku mumbled and Bakugo tried to hold in his laughter. "What was that? Finally wanna have sex?" "No." Deku immediately shot down the idea. Todoroki frowned then went back to his normal expression.

"You're not coming though Todo. Eri doesn't like you very much. She said she rather have Kacchan come. She also said you're not very bright." Deku shrugged.

Eri soon came to them and hugged them both. She glared at Todoroki. "Let's go Kacchan and Deku. Not Todoroki." She said scowling at him. Eri is a great actor. "Okay." Deku said smiling while running with Kacchan and Eri.

"I'm definitely following them." Todoroki said. Jirou immediately stood up. She went up to the door and stuck a plug in the wall.

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