Chapter 15

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Bakugo's POV
Step 1 is complete. I may or may not have done this so I could make Deku film a thirst trap with me. "Hey Deku. Come film this video with me. It's the one where you act like you're gonna kiss someone then you pull away." I said smirking. "Okay." I pulled my phone and went to tiktok.

I'm pretty famous. When did the part where you act like you kiss and I posted it and put the 🙊👀 emojis. Icy-hot is gonna try to kill me. Oh well. I looked over and Deku was filming his own thirst trap. As annoying as it was he was famous too if not more. He was tapping the bottom of his phone to his dick. He was biting his lip and then licked his lip. Smooth bastard. I put a hand on his throat and took it off. Heh. He was so hot. Perfect.

"Hey Eri. I'm gonna go get some fruit snacks. I'll be right back." I said while leaving the room. I heard faint footsteps. Stupid extras. I went to go to the common room and their stupid faces. Everybody was looking at me. "What?" I asked with a small smirk.

"We looked on you and Midoriya's page." Kirishima said. "And?" I asked a bit a amused. "The throat thing and the kiss thing and the head on his shoulder thing." Mina said. "Oh. I have to go get Deku his fruit snacks so... bye!" I said as I took three bags of fruit snacks out of a box. I walked back into the dorm room. "I brought the fruit snacks." I smiled.

"Hey let's dance together!" Deku said while bring me, him and Eri next to him. "I can't dance Deku." "All you'll have to do is stand there while holding Eri." He said and moving me. He gave me a mini pillow. "Stuff this in your pants." I looked at him weird but did what I was told. I got back in my position holding Eri.

Deku started the video and started randomly dancing around me. Then he stopped and crossed his arms. "Was that the Nicki Minaj thing?" I asked when the video was over. "Yep." "Do not post that." "Too late!" I grumbled.

I went on my phone too look at some of the comments on our videos.

There were some homophobic comments but I couldn't care less about those extras.

There were also some comments like 'are you too a couple? Soo cute' and shit like that. I replied to one of them with 'yes.'

I looked back at Deku and looked down. "Hey what's the matter?" I asked while grabbing his wrist. "I just really did like Todoroki. I guess he only wanted to have sex with me. I'm just not ready. Why couldn't he understand that?" I sighed deeply and pulled him into a hug.

"Damn nerd. He was an asshole. That's saying something coming from me. You're gonna find someone to love you. I know you will damn nerd." He nodded and let go. "Stupid Deku. You're always looking down on yourself. You did nothing wrong." I said while stroking his hair a bit.

"Ooooh. Kacchan loves Deku!" Eri said from the back of the room. My face heated up. I scowled at her with a blush still on my face.

Izuku's POV
"Ooooh. Kacchan loves Deku!" Eri said. Kacchan blushed and had a scowl on his face. Does he really? He's blushing and stuff. He was apparently staring at me 'hungrily' the other day. I only want him to look at me like that. Could Kacchan really like me? My face heated up at the thought of me and doing couple stuff.

Nobody's POV
The two boys were just sitting there in silence blushing. Suddenly Bakugo's door got broken down once again. "WHAT THE FUCK ICYHOT!? WHAT DID MY DOOR DO TO YOU?"

"Apologies. I have a huge problem with you though. You flirt with my boyfriend nonstop. I am sick and tired of it. Izuku come on. I wanna go to my room." "No. Kacchan didn't do anything. We were just filming some TikTok." Deku smiled at his sooner than soon to be ex boyfriend.

"You like him flirting with you, don't you!?!" Todoroki asked while walking to Deku. "Hey. What the fuck are you about to do to him Icy-hot? Unfortunately I can't let you hurt him." Bakugo said while stepping in front of Deku.

"You're scaring Eri! Ah!" Todoroki burned Bakugo on the arm with his fire. "Dammit." Bakugo set off a big explosion and Todoroki fell on his back. "Get Eri out of here Deku." Deku did as told and picked up Eri while running out of the room.


"Todoroki and Kacchan are fighting." Everybody went to the dorms to try to hold Todoroki back.


Bakugo got stabbed in the thigh with Ice. "That won't stop me Icy-hot." Bakugo hissed. Everybody had to hold Todoroki back. Soon eraser head came in and erased his quirk.

"Kacchan! Are you alright!??! I'm taking you to recovery girl." "Damn nerd. I'll be fine." Soon Bakugo was picked up bridal style and ran to recovery.

"I said I'd be fine nerd. It just hurts a bit." "Recovery girl!" "Did you- Oh dear!" Bakugo was healed and now sleeping.

Izuku's POV
I was sitting next to Kacchan's bed. "Stupid Kacchan." I muttered while touching his hair. I moved some spikes behind his ear. I cupped his cheek."You dumbass." "I'm not a dumbass." Kacchan. "KACCHAN! I thought you were sleep!" "No." He said while leaning into my hand. I blushed. "Kacchan. You shouldn't have fought. What if his ice hit you somewhere else!? You could've died or not been able to be a hero." "I told you I'd be fine Damn nerd."

"You could've not been fine Kacchan." "But I am fine." I huffed and hugged him. "Don't do that again. Just go get eraser head or something." "I guess Deku." He said hugging me back.

"Am I interrupting something?" You come at the worst times possible Kirishima. I stayed there another 2 seconds. "No. Not anymore." I said letting go of Kacchan. Kacchan huffed. Does he want another one? I gave him another hug. "Okay. I have to go with Uraraka." Kacchan nodded. I left.

Bakugo's POV
I got two hugs from the damn nerd. God I have it bad. "Bakubro? What was that?" "He gave me a hug." I muttered while looking at Kirishima. "You like him don't you?" Kirishima asked me while smiling. "Fucking yes." "Aww! Bakubro is in love!"

I grumbled and blushed. I really do love Deku. Dammit. "Please don't tell anybody. Not even the 'Bakusquad' or whatever it's called." "Okay man!" With that shitty hair left. Idiot.

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