Chapter 2

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Izuku's POV
I've had a crush on Todoroki for a while. He's so dreamy. I noticed Lacchan talking to zero about how he would make her katsudon and then she could have a candy apple. I've known he was good with kids. Kacchan got done talking to Kirishima and put earphones in. I looked back over at Todoroki and blushed.

"Midoriya. Do you wanna maybe, go to this cafe with me? Like a date?" "Yea!" I said happily hugging him. I can't believe I get my first date with Todoroki. I see Kacchan look up and quickly look away. I turn back to Todoroki.

Bakugo's POV
"Eri. Your food is on the table." She walks over and struggles to get in the chair. They are a bit high. I pick her up and sit her down on the chair. I feel like I'm doing most of the work since Deku is just flirting with Icy-hot. 10 minutes later I see Eri already finished her food. Geez. She must've been hungry. I pick her up and get her out of the chair. "Come on. Let's go get the candy apple from my room." She nods happily and walks to the elevator with me. I get the candy apple out of the mini fridge I had and gave it to her.

"Let's go back to the common room." I said while grabbing my iPad. We made it to the common room and I hand her the iPad. "Here. There are some games on there you can play." She takes the iPad. "Thank you." She said and played a game while eating a candy apple. She looks at Deku and Icy-hot.

"Who is that and why are they doing that?" Eri asked pointing to them kissing. "Can you guys knock it off!? Get a room!" I grumble. "It's because they love each other and they're in a relationship?" I said to Eri. "Relationship? What's that?" I sighed. "Come on. I'll take you to pinky and sparkles. They'll explain it to you." I said picking Eri up and walking to pinky's dorm. "Hey where are you going?" Deku asked. I just ignored him and walked at a faster pace.

Izuku's POV
What's up with him?

"Todoroki. We have to stop. I'm supposed to be taking care of Eri with Kacchan and he's doing it all by himself." He grumbled. "We'll continue later." "Wait! Maybe you could hang out with Eri, Kacchan and me! Then she'll have somebody else to talk to." He nods. "Ok." "We'll wait for Kacchan to get back." I said and he nodded again. Kacchan came back with a look of exhaustion. "Mr. Kacchan?" "Hm?" He asked. "Can we go to the play ground?" "Of course!" He said. He walked to the door to put in a jacket and put on Eri's jacket.

"Hey Kacchan? Todoroki will be joining us." He was visibly annoyed. He just ignored me and walked to the door. Todoroki opened the door and held it open for me. Me and Eri were talking while Kacchan was more annoyed than usual. Todoroki was smiling while making small talk with Eri. We finally made it to the park. "Mr. Kacchan! Push me!" Eri said running to a swing. Kacchan smiled and ran over to the swing with Eri.

"Kids must really bring Bakugo joy." Todoroki comments and I nod. "I remember when we were kids and we would talk about how he would be the 'best dad in the universe.'" I said. "That cat makes him happy too for some odd reason." I continue. "Yeah." He agrees.

Bakugo's POV
"Hey Eri. Do you have a lot of clothes?" "No Mr. Kacchan." "Wanna go to the mall with Mina and Ura so they can pick you out some clothes?" I try to hold back a hiss as the name 'Ura' rolls off my tongue. She nods excitedly. Adorable. "Come on." I said grabbing her hand. I walked to Icy-hot and Deku. "Yo. Love birds we're going to get Mina and Uraraka." I said holding back another hiss. Ew.

"Let Eri walk with us. You've been hanging out with her all day." I roll my eyes. "It's not my fault you guys were doing PDA while she was around so I had to take care of her myself." I snap. "Anyhow. Yeah. She can walk with you guys." I said letting go of Eri's hand and she walks to Deku. I walk fast enough to where they can't keep up. I text pinky and tell her that she and round face are taking her shopping.

They waited at the door. Once I was in view I waved to Mina and she and round face started walking to us. "I can't pick out clothes for girls. So don't give me the lip. Just go shopping with her please. She said she doesn't have a lot of clothes. I want her to have a lot of clothes but I want them to be good." I snap. They don't even respond they just nod and take Eri. "I'm coming with you guys though." I said. "We're going too!" Deku yelled. Why? I face palmed. Why?

I aggressively pop my earphones in my ears and play Doja cat. Starting with Need to Know. I follow behind Round face and Pinky. Pinky turned around. "Are you listening to Doja cat again?!? You look too calm to not be." Pinky said. "Yeah, yeah. Whatever." I grumble. I like to sing but not in front of people. So, to stop from singing I tap the beat of the song or tap to the words of the song.

The next song was 'You right.' One of my favorites. I tap to the words of the song. Without even realizing my tapping turns to humming. "You listen to Doja cat?" "Yeah. What's it matter to you and why do you know it's Doja cat?" I say in a colder tone than usual. "It doesn't. Fuyumi listens to it." I give him the finger. I speed up and walk beside Mina.

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