Chapter 12

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"So tell me Izuku, what were you and Bakugo doing?" Uraraka asked Deku.

"I can't tell you." Deku shrugged. "So you fucked. I just wanna know why you would cheat on me." Todoroki said.

"I'm a proud fucking virgin dammit. Well, yeah, I'm a virgin." The green haired teen said while trying to figure out if he is even still a virgin.

"Well what? Not a virgin?" Todoroki asked. "I'm not. I think I'm not." Deku replied.


Bakugo's dream

"Hey Kacchan~" Deku said while kissing my forehead. I blushed at the forehead kiss. "Hey Deku." I said giving him a kiss on the cheek. He sat on my lap and put my head in his neck. "Hey Kacchan?" "Hm?" "I love you." "I love you too De.... Ku?" He started grinding on me. I was hard. "Ah~ How bad do you want me?" I asked smirking. He started unbuckling my pants. Before I knew it something wet and warm was around my dick. "Ah~ mmhmm~" I thrusted my dick into his mouth further.


Bakugo jolted awake.

(Thank god I didn't cum.) He thought to himself. I got up careful not to wake up Eri and went to the bathroom to take care of his erect member. He came back and sat down on the couch and looked up to see Deku and Todoroki arguing. How did he not notice them before?

"I think I am a virgin but I'm not at the same time." Deku contemplated. "You are a virgin." Bakugo said confirming that Deku was a virgin.   "But what about-" "That doesn't count Deku." "Oh. Then I am a virgin." Deku smiles and Eri stirs once again. "Hey Eri." Bakugo said softly. "Hey Kacchan! Hey Deku." She turning to Deku and jumping on him. "Eri. You're hurting him again." Bakugo said while chuckling. "Oh sorry Deku!" She said.

"Hah. It's alright." Deku said while smiling down at her. 'They're so adorable' Bakugo thought. He had a small smirk on his lips.

"What are you smirking at Bakubro?" Kirishima asks Bakugo. Bakugo however didn't hear him and was still smirking thinking about the dream he had. "Bakubro!" No answer. "BAKUBRO!" Eri jumped. "The hell? Why are you yelling!? You're scaring Eri." Bakugo said while walking to Eri. "Are you alright?" She nodded and Deku put her on his back.

"Sorry. You were staring hungrily at Midoriya." Kirishima said. Bakugo just rolled his eyes. Deku was looking at Bakugo and smiled to himself. "Kacchan is it true you play electric guitar? I saw one in your room. I wanna try it!" "How did you see it? When did I let you in my room?" "I don't remember." Eri smirked.

"Brat." Eri scowled at Bakugo. Bakugo went and came back with a red electric guitar. "Don't break it brat." He said giving it to Eri. She played really good. "Where'd you learn how to do that?" Bakugo asked. "I watched you play it." "I'm not a bad influence Deku." He said to the greenette and got an eye roll in response.

"Okay! I'm putting it away now." Bakugo said while getting up. Everybody in the common room were having their separate conversations.

Izuku's POV
I just had a dirty thought about Kacchan. I'm not supposed to be thinking stuff like this. What if when he was on top of me he was naked? STOP IT IZUKU. I only want Kacchan to look at me 'hungrily.' Why am I thinking this?

"Um Izuku? Can I talk to you?" Todoroki asked me. "Sure." I said blankly. We walked into the kitchen. "I'm sorry for not believing you when you said you didn't fuck Bakugo. I'm also sorry for slapping you." "It's okay. I just need you to trust me when I say I wouldn't hurt you Todo."

Bakugo's POV
I was walking into the kitchen but I stopped when I heard Deku talking to Icy-hot. "I'm glad you forgive me babe. I just needed to blow off some steam I guess." "It's alright. I'm glad you know I like you and only you." Then they kissed.

"Hey Bakubro?" I just walked to the door and slid on my slides. "Bakubro?" I didn't answer I just left. I ran away. I don't know where I'm going. It was stupid of me to think that I had a chance with Deku. I was just someone who helped him out and nothing more. I'm nobody to him. I felt something wet roll down my face. My tears weren't hot, they were cold.

"Bakubro!?" I heard shitty hair yell. I ran faster. I ran until he stopped chasing me.

Kirishima's POV
I stopped running after Bakugo and went back inside. "Where is Bakugo?" Kaminari asked. "I don't know. I was calling his name and chasing him but he just kept running faster. I don't know where he was going. I don't even think he knows." I said while plopping down on the couch.

__________Nobody's POV/______

Bakugo was walking and crying. His now freezing tears were falling onto the sidewalk. He deeply sighed. "I should head back." He said out loud while walking past the corner store. He was pulled into a dark alley.

"My my my. You're a hottie." The man said. He start unbuckling Bakugo's pants. Bakugo kicked the guy in thigh. "Looks like I have to use my quirk on this one." The man said while looking Katsuki in the eye. Bakugo couldn't move. The man pushed Bakugo on his hands. "Ass in the air." Bakugo did as told. His mind was completely blank. The man finished pulling down Bakugo's pants and thrusted into Bakugo.

Bakugo groaned. "Stop." Was all he could say. "STOP IT!" Bakugo yelled.

Too bad nobody was around to hear him. The man took out a knife and slid it down Katsuki's arm. He continued to thrust into Katsuki dry. He left bite marks and hickeys all over his body. He thrusted and thrusted until he came into Katsuki. The man pulled out and ran.

Bakugo was barely conscious. He put his clothes back on and walked to UA. Todoroki and Deku were in the common room cuddling while Kirishima and Kaminari were watching a movie.

"Hey Bakubro! Where have you been?" Bakugo was too tired to answer. He needed to get to his dorm. He walked to the elevator while holding his still bleeding arm. "Are you bleeding!?" Kaminari asked. "No." Bakugo answered while the elevator was closing.

"Bakugo?" Mina looked at him. "What happened!?" "Nothing." He said while going in his dorm and shutting the door.

He cleaned himself just like he did Deku and walked out his dorm and into the common room like everything was alright.

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