Chapter 13

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Bakugo's POV
I walked into the kitchen to get a snack. Maybe I won't be as tired. I was barely able to walk but I made do. "Bakubro? Are you alright?"

"Why.. wouldn't I be?" I said while trying to open the fridge. I couldn't because of my arm. I used the other arm and got out some chocolate. "Kacchan you don't look to good." Stupid nerd. "I don't care. I said I'm fine now leave the fuck alone!" I snapped while my eye was twitching. I took the big bag of chocolate and was about to walk out the common room.

"Don't talk to my boyfriend like that! He was just trying to see if you were okay. You're always such a selfish asshole!" Todoroki yelled while tightly gripping my hurt arm. I grimaced.

"I know. Please let go of my arm." I said lowly. "No! What's your problem!?" He asked grilling it tighter. "Dammit." I said as blood seeped through my shirt. "You opened the fucking wound Icy-hot!" I grabbed the first aid kit out the kitchen and treated my arm.

"Wound!? What happened?" The other idiots asked. "Nothing." I said while putting the first aid kit away. "Kacchan. What happened?" Deku asked me in a low voice. "I said it was nothing dumb Deku. Your low voice might work in Icy-hot but it doesn't work on me." I said quietly.

Deku squeezed my shoulder. I have a bite right there. I felt it start bleeding.

"Can you people stop touching me?!??!! I AM FUCKING FINE! I AM GREAT! I AM AMAZING." I yelled while cleaning the bite on my shoulder.

I put the first aid kit away AGAIN and turned to my left to see the common room staring at me. "Are you really?" Mina asked. I thought about what I was going to say next. What do I say? Today is the last day of break, I don't need damn extras pestering me. I decided not to say anything and pushed past them. I got in the elevator and damn Deku got in.

"What is wrong? What happened?" He asked. "I'm.. fine." I said while trying to hold back tears. I shouldn't be this weak. I should have been able to stop that guy. He like shinso. Deku was able to get away like in the sports festival but I wasn't even able to fight.

"Kacchan. You have to tell me what's wrong. I won't be able to help you if you don't tell me." "You w-wouldn't be able to help anyway Deku. What's done is done." "Are you crying!?" He asked and pulled me into a hug.

"I promise I'm okay Deku." "No. You're aren't." I walked to my dorm ignoring him. As soon as I was about to shut the door Deku slid in. "Deku." "Did you get raped?" He asked me straight up. I looked down. "Sigh. Take off your shirt. Knowing you, I know you didn't clean off the wounds and scars properly just to show that you don't need any help. You stubborn idiot." Deku said while taking off my shirt. I cover my body with my arms. I'm not that confident in my body even if I do act like it. I'm a good actor. Get over it.

"What's wrong? I'm just gonna clean you up." I didn't move my arms. "Kacchan. You have to let me clean you up okay?" I sighed but nodded. I didn't have abs I just had a flat stomach. My body looks a bit girly sometimes.

He moved my arms and cleaned my scratches as I groaned in pain. "I know it hurts. It'll feel better hold on a second." He said. He starting cleaning up my arm. I groaned again. "Shh. It's not gonna hurt for that long." Then somebody broke down my fucking door. I saw Icy-hot and a couple other people.


"So this is what you guys have been doing?" Round face asked while looking at me concerned. I put my shirt back on.

"I'm gonna ask nicely, for all of you to get the hell away from me. I will give you a fucking head start." I said looking down at the floor.

Everybody left except for Deku. I try my best to hide my body and now everybody has seen it. I just started to cry and went into the bathroom while shutting the door.

"Kacchan. Open up please. It's just me."

"Go away. I don't want you to see me." I said. He opened the door anyway and hugged me. I just started crying harder. "If I hadn't been so weak I wouldn't have gotten raped. The only reason I got embarrassed is because I was weak. I would've have gotten raped and you wouldn't have had to clean me up and Icy-hot wouldn't have broken down my door and nobody would've seen my body."

"Is that what you're worried about? Being weak and people seeing your body? What's wrong with your body?" Deku asked me.

"It.. looks like a girls body. I'm not that ripped, I don't have abs or muscular arms. I have a girl's body." I said looking down.

"That's okay. Kacchan your body is perfect the way it is. You're not weak either. You're one of the top students in the class." Deku said holding me tighter. "Thank you Deku. You should probably go with your boyfriend now though." I said wriggling out of his grip.

"Yeah." He said walking out. All I have to do is push these stupid feelings down. I'll be able to move on. I know I will.

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