Chapter 8

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3rd person
Katsuki woke up 6 hours later and his stomach grumbled. He decided to ignore it and go to the common. Everybody was in there watching a movie. "Oh. I see you're awake." Izuku said. "Mhm." "I'll make your spicy ramen." "I'm not hungry." He said as his stomach grumbled. "Yes you are. You're starving." Izuku said while getting out the ingredients for spicy ramen. "I said I'm not hungry Deku." "But you are hungry Kacchan." Katsuki's stomach grumbled. "I told you you're hungry. You can watch the movie or stay here while I cook."

Katsuki plopped in the nearest seat. "Did you not get enough sleep?" Izuku asked. "I did." "Ah. So you're not sleepy anymore. You're just hungry."Whatever Deku." Katsuki mumbled.

Todoroki spotted the two and immediately got up and walked to them. "Is there something you want Todo-kun?" Izuku asked his boyfriend. "Nope. I just saw you over here and I wanted to be by you." "Cut the sappy shit out." Katsuki snapped.

"Why does it matter?" Todoroki asked. "It was fine before you came over here." Katsuki replied. "Then leave." Todoroki said. "I was here first." Katsuki snarled. "Izuku is my boyfriend."

"Your boyfriend is making me spicy ramen." "Can you two stop acting like children." "Todo leave Kacchan alone. He's just hungry." Izuku said breaking up the boys argument.

"Here is your ramen Kacchan." "Thanks I guess." Izuku only smiled in response. Katsuki took a bite of the ramen. "This is pretty damn good for a nerd to have made." Katsuki smirked. "Why thank you. That's the nicest thing you've ever said to me." Izuku joked while wiping a fake tear. "Nerd." Katsuki said rolling his eyes.

"Stop flirting with him." Todoroki snapped. "That's wasn't me flirting Icy-hot." Katsuki said blankly while getting up and moving to the common room couch.

"Kacchan you're back!" Eri said hugging Katsuki. "Hello to you too Eri." Katsuki chuckled.

"Hey Kacchan can I talk to you?" Izuku asked. "Mhm." Katsuki said while getting up. "What's up?" "Well thank you for checking up on me today and being nice." Izuku smiled. "Yeah yeah. Don't get used to it nerd." Katsuki said while awkwardly patting Izuku's shoulder.

Bakugo's POV
That damn nerd is so cute. I'll try being nicer to him. Maybe then I'll have a chance. I looked over at those two and Todoroki was talking to Deku angrily while Deku looked like he was about to cry.

I walked over to them. "Icy-hot he looks like he's about to cry. What did you say?" I ask while crossing my arms.

"Why do you care? You don't ever act like you care." "So. Just answer the question." "It's fine K-Kacchan."

I walked over to Deku. "If he does something to you tell me. I won't hesitate to blast him all the way to hell." I sat patting his shoulder again and sitting back down next to Eri. 

Izuku's POV
What was that? Kacchan is being nice to me. Are we finally gonna be friends again? Todoroki was mad at me because I was talking to Kacchan and I told him not to be jealous. He just got more angry. I was on the verge of tears but then Kacchan came over here. He's being really nice to me and when I'm around him my heart beats fast.

I really do care about him. It makes me feel nice when he shows he cares about me.

"We're not done here." Todoroki said. "Sorry." I said looking down. "Come on. Let's go to my dorm." I nodded and followed.

We made it to his dorm. "I don't want you talking to him." "Why not? Kacchan isn't a problem." "He likes you and I can tell." "Even if Kacchan does like me he wouldn't try to do anything because he knows I date you. That's probably why he's been keeping his distance."

"It doesn't matter." He said. "Stop being so controlling. I won't let him do anything. He doesn't like me and I think he might trying to be my friend again."

"He does like you. Stay away from him." "DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO!" Slap.
I looked up at Todoroki and held my cheek. "That'll teach you to talk to me like that." I started tearing up. I walked out and slammed the door. Everybody left the common room and I went to get a snack. Hot tears fell down my face. Why is so mean? Why did he slap me. I put my hand on the cheek he slapped. It stung.

"Deku?" Kacchan. "Hmm?" I say while wiping my tears and trying to be happy.

"Why are you crying?" He asked. "I'm not." "Alright. Why were you crying?" "It's nothing." "Tell me." "Why!?" "I'm worried dammit! Please just tell me why you're crying." "Todoroki and I got into an argument." I turned around to show him my cheek. The look he gave me was murderous.

"Please don't do anything. I don't want him to get mad again." He sighed deeply and grabbed my arm. He pulled me aggressively and brought me into a hug.

I hugged back. "Thank you." "Um... am I interrupting something?" Asked a voice sounding like Kirishima and then I turned to Uraraka and Mina with him.

"No." I said not letting go of Kacchan just yet. After a few more seconds I pulled away.

"Thank you." I said again. "Yeah whatever." He mumbled. I walked to my dorm.

Bakugo's POV
Deku walked off. He was so warm. I'll kill that Icy-hot bastard.

"Um Bakugo? What was that?" Round face.

"It was a hug. What else would it be round face?" I scoffed. "Yeah. Obviously but why?" She asked. "Because I can." I retorted. "That's not an answer." "Because he needed it?" I asked confused. I walked off and knocked on Deku's dorm door.

He opened it. "Oh. It's just you." "Are you alright?" I asked him concerned. "I will be." I looked at his room. "Still a fanboy I see." He pouted. "Give me break." "Heh. Whatever damn nerd." I smirked. "Here is my number. Text me if Icy-hot comes so I can kill him on the spot." I said while handing him a piece of paper.

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