Chapter 7

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Izuku's POV
"I can call her and ask her to come over." Tokoyami said. "Please do that." Kaminari begged. "Okay."

Kacchan got up and walked to Eri. "What are you watching?" He asked. "CoolieswirlC! Duh. I watch it everyday." She said. "Oi. Don't sass me." He said and starting watching her videos.

"So she's just cutting up stress balls?" He asked. "She does other stuff. I just like these videos more. Like with those Lol doll toys." She explained. They're adorable.

"Uh Midoriya? Did you hear me?" Kirishima asked. "No sorry." "Wanna go to the skating rink?" Kaminari repeated. "I can't skate." "Bakugo can teach you."

"NO I CAN'T!" He yelled from beside Eri. "But you know how to skate." "I'm not the only one who knows how to skate." He said.

"Can anybody skate?" Kaminari asked. Everybody shook their head. Eri fell asleep on Kacchan. Kacchan picked her up and placed her on the couch.

"Bakubro? Why are you nicer to Eri and those cats than us?" Kirishima asked. "Cause they're freaking adorable. You can't say no to them. You're just a pain in the ass." He said with a scowl.

Kasumi crawled to me and touched my palm. "Hey Kasumi." I said as I scratched her ears. Todoroki tried to touch her but she just bit him. Kacchan chuckled. "She doesn't like you Icy-hot." "You trained her not to like me." He said. "Maybe I did maybe I didn't." Kacchan shrugged.

Todoroki scowled at him. Kasumi hissed at him. "What!? Lord explosion murder is letting Midoriya touch his cat!?" "Technically, she's Aizawa's now. If she likes Deku what am i supposed to do? If she went to Icy-got I wouldn't let him touch her. But she must not like Icy-hot either."

"I have a question. Who do you think has the worst camera roll here?" Mina asked. "Todoroki." "Deku." "Bakubro probably has adorable stuff in his camera roll." Kirishima said.

"Let's go through your camera roll then Bakugo." Kaminari said. "Whatever." Everybody huddled over him as he went to his camera roll. There was some pictures of him and Eri. There were some of Eri and his kittens. There was one from when he had to carry me on his back when we were younger because I fell asleep. Everybody turned to me.

"Baby Midoriya was so cute!" Uraraka said. Kacchan saved that photo? There was one of Kaminari when he tried to start up his electricity in the pool. There was one when Kirishima was scolding him. There was one where he took a picture with no shirt. He has sharp teeth.

"You always talk about my shark teeth! Look at yours." "Yeah but only two of my teeth are like that." He shrugged. There were some of him in middle school with Sakura. There was another one with him and Sakura where they were running at each other. "Woah! Who is that?" "My sister." "You have a sister!?" Most of the class asked. "Yeah. What's it to you?" He said and continued to scroll through his photos.

There was one where he was genuinely smiling. Adorable. Stop it.

The last one he had was a picture of class UA. It was favorited and everything.

Everybody looked at him and smiled. "This changes nothing." He growled.

Eri started to stir. She ran over to Kacchan. "Hey Kacchan." "Hi Eri." She jumped on his back. "What are you doing Eri? You're gonna fall!" I yelled.

"Relax nerd. I won't drop her." He declawed Eri from his back and she clung to the front of him instead. He just patted her head.

"Adorable." I mutter. Todo eyed me. "What?" I asked tilting my head.

Todoroki's POV
Izuku just called Bakugo adorable and wants to act like I didn't hear.

"What?" He asked tilting his head. I just glared at him and he squeaked. He got up. "Where are you going?" Mina asked. "Um. The bathroom." He said and got up to leave. Bakugo glared at me.

Bakugo's POV
Icy-hot made Deku sad. I'm gonna go check on him. Not that I care. "Hey Eri. Stay with Icy-hot, I'll be right back." I said heading to the bathroom.

"Deku are you alright?" "Kacchan?" "Yes me idiot. I saw Icy-hot glare at you." "Oh. It's nothing. I don't know what I did." His voice cracked.

"Hey don't go crying on me damn nerd. I'm sure he's not mad at you. Maybe he's just a little irritated he'll get over it."

"Thank you Kacchan." "Whatever nerd. He's probably gonna come look for you so you might wanna stop crying. The extras are nosy." "Hehe. Okay Kacchan."

"Whatever. I'm leaving." I said walking out of the bathroom and back into the common room. Deku came in a few minutes later. Icy-hot looked at us suspiciously. We didn't do anything Icy-hot. I wish we did though. Sigh.

I didn't any fucking sleep. Not getting sleep makes me nice. It's dumb.

Deku tapped my shoulder. "Kacchan are you okay? Maybe you should get some rest."

"I'm fine." I said sleepily. "But Kacchan you sound sleepy." "Whatever." I say trying not to dose off. "You're sleepy Kacchan." "What are you my ma?" "Just go to sleep." I did as told and fell asleep right there.

Izuku's POV
Kacchan immediately fell asleep. "Idiot." I grumbled. He's obviously not getting enough sleep. He's not eating like he is supposed to either. I felt his forehead. He's not sick. Just sleep deprived. Hmm. When he wakes up I'll make him some spicy ramen. He is so dumb. Why isn't he eating and sleeping like he should. He won't be a pro if he's sleep deprived and hungry.

"You're mumbling." Kaminari said. I decided to ignore it. I picked up Kacchan's phone. Nothing suspicious. Alright. What a dumbass. Kacchan jolted awake. "You need to sleep. After you wake up I'm making you spicy ramen. You can't say no. Go to your dorm." I ordered him in a serious tone. Surprisingly he did what I told him. He got up and went to his dorm.

"Dumbass." I mumbled. "Is he sick?" Kirishima asked. "No. Kacchan doesn't get sick that much. Last time he was sick was in middle school. 7th grade I think. Anyhow. He hasn't been getting sleep and hasn't been eating when he needs too either. So technically he'll get back to his normal self when he sleeps and eats. Not sleeping or eating makes him act nice."

"Oh." The common room said. "You sure so know a lot about him." Ura said. "Of course I do." I said sassily.

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