Chapter 10

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Bakugo's POV
I'm worried. It's been an hour since Deku left. It shouldn't take that long to buy fruit snacks. What if he's dead? He could be lying in a ditch somewhere!

"Hey Bakubro! I have some questions for you."

"What do you want shitty hair?" "Why did Eri think you and Midobro were dating?" "I don't know." I shrugged. Those damn extras are always in my business. Leave me alone god dammit!

"Okay then. I'll ask Eri." I shrugged. "Why did you think Midoriya and Bakubro were dating?"

"I don't know. They just hug a lot I guess. The hugs are really long. I just thought they were dating." She shrugged. We only hugged once.

"Oh okay." He said while leaving. Everybody else left shortly after. Those stupid extras are up to something.

Izuku's POV
I was walking to the store when I was grabbed and pulled into an alley way.

"Why aren't you a cutie~" The man said. He started to pull down my boxers and pants. He was too strong so I couldn't push him off. I felt a sharp pain on my member. Did he bite it? "Stop!" He then took out a knife and slid it down my thigh as I hissed. "That's not how you talk to me cutie~" "Please." I begged as his fucked me dry. It hurt. "Stop." I begged.

The man left hickeys on my body and then came inside me. I feel disgusting. I don't want a stranger's cum in me. He then left when he heard sirens.

I put my pants back on and limped to the store to buy fruit snacks. After I bought them I limped to UA. "I brought the fruit snacks." "Deku. What happened? You're limping and blood is literally dripping down your leg." He picked me up and gave Eri the fruit snacks. "Hey Eri go ask Mina to watch you. Deku's and I have to do something." He said while carrying me to my dorm.

He sat me on the bathroom sink. "What happened?"

"This man pulled me into an alley way and he raped me. And I he was too strong for me and I." I was engulfed in a hug. "Shh. I'll clean you up." He went to go grab a first aid kit and started to wipe down my wounds. I groaned.

"I know it hurts. Just wait a minute. It'll feel way better." He reassured.

Jirou's POV
The Bakusquad and Dekusquad wanted me to spy on Deku and Bakugo. I plugged my earphones in the wall. I heard Deku groan. Is he topping? Stop it Jirou. "I know it hurts. Just wait a minute. It'll feel way better." Oh god no. Don't tell me they're having sex.

Bakugo's POV
I'll kill whoever did this to Deku. I wiped down some of his wounds and looked him in the eye. "Did he..?" I asked pointing to his hole. He had tears in his eyes and he nodded. "I'm gonna have to clean you out. I won't do anything I promise." Deku nodded and turned around. I pulled down his pants and then inserted a finger to get the semen out of him. He groaned. "I know, I know." I said sympathetically.

"Okay all done. Take off your clothes. I need to check for more injuries." He didn't. "Deku. Come on. I have to clean you up. Okay?" He nodded and took off his shirt. I look at his member and noticed it had a bite. "Does it hurt?" I asked. He nodded. I don't think there is anything I can do with that.

I cleaned some of the bleeding bite marks on his chest and torso. "Okay. I'm done." He put his clothes back. I pulled him into another hug as he started crying.

"Sorry. I don't want to be a crybaby." He said. "You have a right to cry over something like this Deku. You're not a fucking crybaby. I mostly just say that to tease you." I reassured. He cried a bit more and then stopped.

"Wanna go into the common room and get some fruit snacks? I left them with Eri. The only person in there is Mina." He nodded and he limped behind me to the common room.

"Midoriya? Why are you limping?" "It's nothing." He said while looking down. Cute. He got some fruit snacks and walked to the kitchen as I followed him.

"Deku? If you ever wanna talk about I'm here." I whispered in his ear and his cheeks turned pink but he nodded.

Nobody's POV

"So you're saying Izuku is cheating on me with Bakugo? You heard then having sex!?!!?!!" Todoroki asked fuming. "Yeah." Jirou said looking down. "I'm really sorry Todoroki." The squads said in unison. "It's okay." He said. They went to the common room to tell Mina since she was in the living room with Eri.

"Deku cheated on Todoroki." They whispered to Mina then spotted the two in the kitchen. They saw Bakugo whispering in Deku's ear. Todoroki angrily walked to Deku with the class behind him.

"Is there something wrong?" Deku asked. He was already scared of Todoroki since he slapped him. "Yes there is. Why would you cheat?" Kaminari asked.

"Cheat?" Deku asked confused. "On what? Are you guys jealous because I aced the math test?" Deku asked.

"We know you had sex with Bakugo." Uraraka said while stepping forward. "What? We didn't do it!?!" The boys said in unison. "I was eavesdropping in your dorm. You were." Jirou said from the back of the group of students. "We never did anything. I was helping Deku..." Bakugo looked and Deku and Deku shook his head. "Sigh. The bottom line is we didn't do anything." Bakugo said not finishing his last sentence and turning his head to Deku.

"Why didn't you finish your last sentence? Couldn't think of a lie?" Kirishima asked. "What?" He said while quickly turning his head back to the group. "You seriously think that Deku, the cinnamon roll of class 1-A, the purest of them all, cheated on somebody?" Bakugo asked. He was pissed.

"Well he did." Jirou said. "Yeah." The group agreed. Midoriya was pissed and on the verge of tears. Bakugo noticed and whispered to him. "Do you wanna leave?" He asked Midoriya shook his head yes. He had felt nothing but anger.

"Damn extras. You guys are all idiots." Bakugo said while flipping them off. He walked back to the room with Deku. "Deku it's just me." Deku then opened the door.

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