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"Another please," you told the bartender as you tapped your finger against your now empty glass. The bartender gave you a small smile as he asked, "Are you upset or celebrating?" You gave him a small smirk before replying, "Celebrating. I got a new job."

"Well, then, congratulations. Next one is on the house," the bartender stated, sliding your now-full glass back to you. You nodded your head in thanks as a response before taking a drink, feeling the slight burn of the alcohol.

Usually, you would be having a drink with your friends, but you left them behind. You left everything behind. You were an up-and-coming wrestler who had just been offered a job by WWE, arguably the most-renowned wrestling company. You were so excited because it was everything you had been working towards. But, unfortunately, it was a traveling job, so it meant leaving behind many family and friends in your hometown. It was a huge change, but you were happy about it, and you knew your family and friends were supporting you every step of the way.

As you were beginning to feel the alcohol kick in, three men entered the bar, laughing loudly. They seemed close - like they were brothers. You watched as the three of them sat down and you couldn't help but stare at them. One had short light brown hair with blue eyes. He wore a leather jacket and jeans. The one next to him had long black hair and dark brown eyes. He was wearing a T-shirt with jeans. He seemed the most relaxed out of everyone. Lastly, there was a larger man with long black hair and brown eyes as well. You could tell there was something different about him by the way he dressed and carried himself, but you couldn't quite place your finger on what it was.

You felt like you recognized them from somewhere, but you couldn't quite make out where from. You didn't realize how long you had been staring at the trio until the larger one made eye contact with you.

You decided not to be rude, so you gave him a small smile before returning your attention to the drink in front of you. It was only a few minutes later when you felt someone sit down next to you at the bar. "Hey," a man said in a deep voice.

You turned your head to see that sure enough, it was the man from the table. "Hi," you replied with a smile. "Can I buy you a drink?" he asked. Normally, you weren't the type to go out to a bar and meet a guy, but this guy was all sorts of charming, so you couldn't help yourself as you replied, "Why not."

He smiled at you as he flagged the bartender and asked him for his own drink and a refill of yours. The bartender smirked at you and gave you a wink which made you blush, but you quickly brushed it off.

"So, are you from around here?" he asked you. You shook your head no and replied, "Actually I should probably warn you that I won't be in town for very long, so this won't go past tonight." The man let out a small chuckle before telling you, "I travel a lot too, let's just see where the night goes, okay?" You nodded your head in agreement, believing that was the best course of action.

"I'm Roman by the way," he told you, offering his hand out to you. "Y/N," you replied, shaking his hand. You should have known right there, and you weren't sure if it was the alcohol that was affecting you or if you just weren't thinking clearly - either way, you didn't realize that he was soon to be your coworker.

"What brings you to Raleigh?" Roman asked you. "I just got a job," you replied honestly. "A job? That sounds like you would be staying here for a while," Roman responded. "It's more of a traveling job. I'm just meeting up with the boss here in Raleigh before they move on to the next city," you explained.

"Interesting, I have a traveling job too," he told you, trying to relate to you. "Is it hard to always be on the road?" you asked him. You had always dreamed of being in WWE, but now that the time had actually come, you weren't sure how you were going to handle it.

"Sometimes, but I mostly travel with my best friends, and that makes it a lot better," Roman replied, motioning towards the two men who were sitting at the table. You looked over at them and realized that they had been staring at you and Roman intensely. They quickly looked away when they realized they had been caught and you couldn't help but laugh at them,

"Have you been to the park down the road yet?" Roman asked you. "No, I haven't really had much time to do anything here yet," you responded. "What? Alright, come on," he told you, standing up from the bar and throwing down some cash on the bar counter. The bartender came and collected the cash, noting that Roman had paid for your tab too.

You smiled and decided you only live once, so you got up as well, following Roman out of the bar. The two of you walked down the street side by side making small talk until you reached the park that Roman was talking about.

"Wow," you breathed out, taken aback by what you were looking at. It was nearing the holidays, so the park was beautifully decorated with lights, and in the center of the park stood a fountain that was absolutely gorgeous.

You and Roman walked around the park, talking about different stories from your past. He made you laugh harder than you've laughed in a long time, and you were genuinely enjoying just being in his presence.

When the two of you were done at the park, Roman asked if you wanted to go back to his hotel room. You could tell that he wasn't pressuring you in any way, and if you had said no, he would have let it go. He was acting like a perfect gentleman, and he was extremely attractive, so you agreed to go back to his hotel room, and the two of you spent the rest of the night together.

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