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The next morning you woke up with Roman's arms holding you tightly. You looked at him to see that he was starting to wake up and softly placed your lips on his, waking him up. He fluttered his eyes open with a smile on his face as pulled you back in for another kiss.

"Good morning," he mumbled after pulling away. "Good morning," you replied with a smile. This felt right, Roman felt right. You began questioning why you were so scared in the first place. "Come on, we should get up," you told him, making him let out a groan as his arms tightened around you, making you chuckle.

"Dean and Seth are waiting for us," you said, running your fingers through his hair. "Fine," he finally grumbled, moving the blankets and pulling you with him into the shower. The two of you got in, taking a long shower, before getting out and getting dressed.

You and Roman packed up your suitcases and brought them out to the car since you were supposed to start driving to the next city today. You then went back into the hotel with Roman to find Dean and Seth. You wanted to ask Roman if you were going to tell Dean and Seth about the two of you, after all, they were both yours and Roman's best friends; but, you didn't know how to ask him. You didn't even know what the two of you were right now, and you weren't sure if Roman had thought about it.

Of course, you wanted a relationship with Roman. You technically have had one since the beginning if you thought about it; but, at the same time, you didn't want to ask Roman if he considered the two of you dating, because you didn't want him to feel pressured to answer.

So, the two of you walked in silence to Dean's room. When Roman knocked, the door opened and Renee greeted you and Roman with a smile. "Good morning," she told the two of you. "Good morning, Renee," you greeted back. "We were just coming to see if Dean was ready unless he's planning on riding with you to the next town," Roman stated.

"I wish, but I'll have to meet up with him in the next town. He's in the shower, but I'll let him know to meet you down at the car," she replied warmly. "Thanks, Renee," you responded, before leaving with Roman.

You and he walked down the next couple of hallways and saw Seth and Becky walking down it. "Hey," you greeted both of them as you approached them. "Hey," Seth replied with a large smile. "Are you riding with Becky to the next town?" you asked Seth curiously. "I already promised Charlotte I would ride with her, we're going to have a girl's road trip. You should join us," Becky told you.

You smiled at her, but before you could respond, Roman said, "Oh no, you can't steal my favorite road trip partner." You chuckled at his words, but Seth took great offense as he told Roman, "That's rude. Dean would be offended too if he were here."

"I am here, and I am offended. I can't believe you, Roman. After everything we've been through and you choose Y/N over us," Dean teased, mocking offense as he joined the group. Roman just shrugged his shoulders as he asked, "Do you or do you guys not have more fun with her riding in the car with us?"

Both Dean and Seth stayed silent, knowing Roman was right, but not wanting to admit defeat. You just rolled your eyes at them with a smirk before saying, "We should get going." The boys agreed and you, Dean, and Roman headed towards the car while Seth said goodbye to Becky.

The car ride started like normal with chit-chat. "So, Y/N, are you ready for your first house show now that you're officially a part of the Shield?" Dean asked you. You were actually going to be in their scheduled match this time against Dolph, Drew, Corbin, and Alexa. They figured a four-on-four tag-team match would be a great opportunity for your first match.

"Yeah, I'm really excited about it. I've only gotten to have a match with Roman so it'll be fun to wrestle next to all of you guys," you told them. "Well, I think we are going to dominate their team," Seth responded. "I hope so," you replied.

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