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You followed Roman out of the locker room and back into the hallway. "We should try and find Seth and Dean so we can figure out how to include you as a member of the Shield," Roman told you. You nodded your head in agreement before asking, "Are they really okay with me becoming part of the Shield? You guys have been in a group for a long time and I'm not sure a girl would be a good addition to the group..."

"You'll be great. It might be a little weird for everyone to get used to at first, including the fans, but once we get to know you a little better, I'm sure we'll have great chemistry," Roman stated, blushing at his own words.

Luckily, somebody else approached Roman this time to break up the awkward moment that was about to ensue. "Hey, Seth asked me to tell you he and Dean would be in the training room," a woman with orange hair and an accent said.

"Okay thanks, Becky," Roman responded, before continuing to say, "Oh, I'm sorry. Becky, this is Y/N. Y/N, this is Becky, Seth's girlfriend." You gave her a polite smile as you shook her hand and she returned it. "So, you're the newest member of the Shield," she told you. "I guess you could say that," you replied with a small laugh.

"Good luck with that," she stated before walking away. You could tell she didn't mean it in a mean way. If anything, she said it more to tease Roman than anything. After all, if she's dating Seth Rollins, she's probably hung out with Roman and Dean a decent amount too.

"She seems nice," you told Roman as she walked away. Roman just let out a small chuckle in response before leading you to the training room. Inside, sure enough, Dean and Seth were there, working out; but, they quickly stopped upon yours' and Roman's entrance.

"Hey," Roman said simply, sitting down on one of the chairs, leaving you to stand there a bit awkwardly. "Hey, did you get a chance to talk?" Dean asked, sitting down next to Roman as Seth joined the three of you with a towel in his hand, wiping off the sweat.

"Yeah, we're good, right?" Roman asked, looking up at you. You gave him a small nod before adding, "Yeah, all good." "Great, then should we start talking about where we go from here?" Seth questioned, sitting down next to Dean.

You felt weird being the only one standing up, so you timidly sat down next to Roman. "Well, the Shield is supposed to represent a group of three tough guys who run Raw the way they want to, right?" you asked the boys and they all nodded their heads in response.

"So, I don't think they would just show up with a girl in their group. Something has to happen. Something where I can prove myself as a valuable member of the group and then we can slowly start incorporating myself more and more," you explained.

"That's about what I was thinking," Dean said. "Well, how are you going to "prove" yourself?" Roman asked, clearly thinking hard about a good way to use your character. You were about to say something when someone opened the door to the training room, stealing everyone's attention. A shorter man with brown hair and blue eyes stood in the doorway.

"Sorry to interrupt, have you guys heard the news?" the man asked. You looked at the boys, waiting for them to respond, but they just looked at the man in confusion. "What happened?" Seth finally asked.

"Stephanie McMahon has temporarily replaced Kurt Angle as the general manager of Raw," the man stated. "What? Who's replacing him?" you asked, and it was as if the man was seeing you for the first time because his mannerism completely changed.

"Oh, sorry, I didn't mean to be rude. I'm Finn Balor, you must be the new girl, Y/N, right?" Finn asked you and you shyly nodded your head. "Well, you three are very lucky," Finn replied, sending a wink your way. You blushed at his comment, as Roman stood up standing between you and Finn. He clearly wasn't happy at Finn's move, so Finn backed down.

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