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 You woke up the next morning and turned to find that Roman wasn't in the bed. You began questioning why he wasn't there and hoped you hadn't ruined things between the two of you. A couple of minutes later, the door opened and Roman came in with coffee and breakfast for you, just like you did the morning before.

You smiled as soon as you saw Roman. "I got breakfast," he told you. "Thanks," you replied, taking it from him. You thought Roman was going to bring up the night before, but luckily, he didn't. Instead, he said, "We were going to leave in about an hour to head to the next town. Are you planning on leaving around the same time? You could follow us if you wanted to," Roman suggested.

"Oh, I actually was planning on taking the bus," you replied. "Really? Why?" Roman asked. You shrugged your shoulders before telling him, "It saves a ton of money on gas." Roman paused for a moment, looking like he was deep in thought. "What?" you asked, curious as to what he was thinking about.

"Nothing, it's just, Dean, Seth, and I usually carpool and we have an extra seat," Roman told you. "Oh, no, I couldn't. You've already done so much for me, the last thing you need is to have to deal with me twenty-four seven," you teased.

Roman gave you a genuine smile and told you, "I wouldn't mind at all if you want to." You thought about it for a moment. It would be nice to spend some more time with the boys, and you would feel much more comfortable driving with them than sitting next to random people on a bus.

"Let me just get my stuff together," you told him. Roman smiled at you as he grabbed his suitcase and other bags. "I'll be right back. I'm just going to take my stuff to the car and let Dean and Seth know you'll be joining us," Roman told you.

"Okay," you replied as he left the room. You were thankful that Roman wasn't making things awkward for you. You knew that you both needed to talk about what had happened, but you weren't sure if you were ready to and Roman understood that so he was going to wait for you to be ready before talking about it.

After eating, you got up and got ready for the day before packing up your stuff. Roman came into the room a little bit later to help you carry your stuff to the car. When you got down to the car Dean and Seth greeted you warmly. "Road trip time," Dean stated as he and Seth began to climb into the backseat, but they were stopped by you saying, "No, please, you guys are already doing me a favor by letting me ride with you. At least let me sit in the back."

"Sorry, Y/N, there's only gentlemen here, and gentlemen let the ladies get the best stuff," Seth told you. You let out a small sigh, looking at Roman for some backup but he just shrugged his shoulders getting into the driver's seat.

Knowing it was an argument that you lost, you climbed into the passenger seat and relaxed as Roman began driving. The entire drive was spent talking, listening to music, and playing road trip games. You were really starting to enjoy spending time with the boys. Dean, Seth, and you were becoming really good friends, and you and Roman...Well, you didn't know what you and Roman were exactly, but you were excited to find out.

When you finally did get to the next town, Roman found the hotel you were supposed to be staying in for the next couple of days. The four of you got out to get your room keys. When you entered the hotel, you saw a few more wrestlers that you had met standing in the lobby.

"Y/N!" you heard someone say in a cheerful voice. You turned and saw that it was Charlotte. Since the next show was a house show, both brands were staying in the same place, so you were bound to run into some people you didn't see regularly. You looked towards the boys who all seemed surprised that you and Charlotte knew each other.

"Hey, Charlotte," you replied politely. "I've been waiting for you to show up. Everyone wants to talk to you," she told you with a smile. "Really? Why?" you asked her. "Your debut on Raw...everyone's kind of amazed by it. Come on," she said, as she began dragging you towards her group of friends.

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