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It had been about five months since you joined WWE and everything was going perfectly for you. You and Roman were more than happy and everyone supported your relationship, especially Seth, Dean, and the Usos who all claimed Roman was so much more fun to be around now that you were with him.

You and Roman had fallen for each other hard. You were completely in love with him, but things had gotten busy with WWE so you never found the right time to tell him how you felt. Of course, Roman felt the same way but the two of you just never had a chance to say the words for the first time.

Your career in WWE was also going well. In addition to the Shield being one of the most dominant groups, you were also dominating the women's division on Raw. You had won the Raw Women's Championship and the boys were so proud of you, making sure the crowd knew who their women's champion was whenever they got the chance to.

Unfortunately for you, since you were the champion, that made you twice as busy, and there were some matches that the boys couldn't make, like the match you had about twenty minutes ago. It was a title defense against Nia Jax and it was all going well, until Nia accidentally botched a move, injuring your back. You were in so much pain but refused to show it, not wanting anyone to know.

Now, you were sitting in the medic's room at WWE, waiting for the medic to come in and evaluate you. He came in a few minutes later and did his best to evaluate your back, but without an X-Ray machine, he couldn't tell what exactly was wrong. He knew that there was something out of place in your spine, but he couldn't tell you the exact cause of your pain.

He advised that you go to the emergency room as soon as possible to receive medical care. But, you were supposed to make an appearance with the boys tonight, so you told the medic you would go to the emergency room right after. The medic didn't think that was a good idea, telling you that one more hit to the back could paralyze you or worse, but you told him you would be fine. After all, you were just going down to the ring to support them, and then you would leave.

The medic tried to convince you otherwise, but you needed to go. So, you left the medic's office, deep in thought. You were debating whether to tell the boys about your injury before or after the match tonight. The last thing you wanted to do was make them distracted, causing them to lose.

You were still deep in thought when you crashed into someone right in front of you. You looked up and saw that it was Charlotte and Becky. "You alright there?" Becky asked you. "What's wrong?" Charlotte added. Apparently you weren't doing a good job pretending everything was okay. "I'm fine, it's just the medic. He told me I have a pretty bad injury and need to go to the emergency room," you explained.

"What are you still doing here then?" Becky asked. "I have to make an appearance with the Shield tonight," you replied. "I think they'll understand," Charlotte replied. "No, I have to watch their match ringside. I'm just trying to figure out if I tell the boys before or after the match," you stated.

"Before they need to know, so they can help you in case you need it," Becky told you. You nodded your head agreeing before saying, "Well, I'm supposed to meet up with them right about now. I'll see you guys later though." They said goodbye with worry etched in their faces as you walked away.

You took a deep breath as you entered the gorilla and found the boys there, talking quietly to each other. "Hey guys, what's up?" you asked, approaching them with a smile. None of them smiled back at you or even acknowledged your presence, so you asked, "Are you guys okay?"

"Fine," Dean replied with a simple shrug of his shoulders. "Well, listen, can we talk?" you asked. Before they answered though, a worker came up and told you that you needed to move to your entrance place. You let out a sigh knowing you missed your opportunity to tell them about your injury before the match. What worried you more though was how distant they were acting towards you. They were acting like you didn't even exist and you had no idea what you did wrong. Whatever was bothering them, they didn't want to talk to you about it so you stayed silent as you moved to the entrance spot.

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